How to take thistle thistle for the liver?

Schroth is a product of processing the seeds of milk thistle, which remains after pressing the oil. Many are confident that this is garbage, but folk medicine advocates consider it a valuable therapeutic product, especially for the liver. Schroth is a fiber that is rich in nutrients. In order for people's treatment to work, you need to know how to properly take thistle milk thistle for the liver.

Sell ​​this herbal product in pharmacies, but it's easy to do at home. First, the seeds of milk thistle are mixed with olive oil and insisted for 21 days. After that, the seeds must be wrung several times, and then dried and ground. By the way, the remaining oil is also a valuable product and it can be used both externally and for oral administration.

Milk thistle is good and bad, how to take it?

Cake, obtained after processing of seeds, is a concentrate of the main active substance of silymarin. In this natural product it contains about 5%, and in other dosage forms, milk thistle is much less. Scientists have scientifically proven the antiviral effect of this substance.

Before we figure out how to take the milk thistle shrotto, we'll stop our attention to the beneficial properties of oil cake:

  1. There is an update of cells due to the stabilization of membranes. After recovery, hepatocytes perfectly cope with their work.
  2. It has an antioxidant effect, reducing the activity of oxidative processes in the tissues of the organ.
  3. The active substance contained in the powder perfectly fights toxins of different nature.
  4. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially important for fatty tissue organ dysfunction.
  5. Promotes the regeneration of tissues that have been damaged by the action of the virus and toxins.

Like any other product of vegetable origin, the meal can harm the human body. At the first stages of admission, many people experience indigestion, nausea and flatulence. If an individual intolerance is found, then it appears as a rash. Carefully take the meal follows people with chronic diseases of the digestive system. Do not use cake for pregnant, small children, as well as for serious mental disorders, cholelithiasis and asthma. Schroth is allowed to be taken separately, as well as in various recipes of traditional medicine.

Milk thistle - how to take for the liver?

The dosage and duration of the pomace depends on the task:

  1. For prevention . To maintain proper liver function, it is recommended to take the powder for a month. Repeat the course twice a year. Take 1 teaspoon once a day with food, washed down with warm water.
  2. For treatment . Finding out how to take milk thistle for liver treatment, it is worth noting that it is proved that consuming 1 g of powder for every 1 kg of human weight, one can expect to have an antiviral effect on the hepatitis C virus. Even such treatment allows to reduce the load on the liver in case of defeat her various viruses.
  3. For cleaning . As for how to take milk thistle for cleaning and treating the liver, the dosage is as follows: 1 teaspoon per day for 30 minutes. before the main meals. The powder must be washed down with water. The course of treatment lasts 40 days, and after a break in two weeks, the reception can be repeated.

There is another option for taking a meal: mix 100 grams of powder and honey and take the resulting product in 1 tsp for 30 minutes. before the main meals. The duration of such treatment is 30 days.