Plots on Christmas for a marriage

Many people dream of finding their soul mate as soon as possible and getting married. In order for the wish to come true, it is possible to apply various methods, for example, to use special conspiracies for marriage, which you can spend on Christmas . It's not a secret that magical practices can help fulfill a dream, you just need to know how to properly make a rite.

Plots and ceremonies for marriage on Christmas Day

All such practices can be divided into three main categories:

  1. Designed for single people who have not yet met their "pair".
  2. Rites that help to achieve a matrimonial offer from a particular person.
  3. Conspiracies to strengthen love for those people who are already in a legitimate marriage.

So, if you have not found your soul mate, then the next conspiracy for love and marriage, held for Christmas, can help you. In the morning of this day, wake up as soon as possible and go to the nearest lake, river or other water body with fresh water. In the spring, the river or the lake, collect water and immediately go home. Returning, read 3 times the following words: "Cover my head with health, happiness and a happy fate," then wash the face three times with water and spray it with the same amount of times. When the plot is pronounced, you should go to church and put a candle in the icon of the Virgin, then thank the higher forces and go home.

In the event that you have already met your partner, but there has not been a marriage proposal yet, you can make such a conspiracy to marry Christmas. Get the following items in advance - a broom and a scoop, then, late at night, when everyone is already sleeping, sweep the floor and say three times: "I'm attracting to the house myself (Name), so I leave my house in mine, so that he wants to marry me , so that life will be successful and happy. Amen". After that, throw trash into a bucket, and a broom and a scoop hide and store until you get a matrimonial sentence. Only after this event, objects can be shown to other people and used for their intended purpose.

Well, for a married life to be happy, you can do so - take the veil in which you were on the wedding day, at midnight sprinkle it with the most ordinary table salt, saying: "Fat I pour salt on, only luck to myself and my husband. To live happily, to have prosperity, to love each other. Amen". Be sure to perform the ritual alone when you are alone, otherwise, it may just not work.