How to quickly whiten your teeth at home?

When your teeth are beautiful and snow-white, you will feel confident and relaxed. But with age, as well as with frequent use of coffee or black tea, tooth enamel begins to turn yellow. Many people want to know how to quickly whiten your teeth at home, because not everyone has the opportunity to conduct a professional bleaching procedure. It is very easy to do this even on your own, the main thing is to strictly observe the proportions when preparing folk remedies.

How to whiten your teeth with soda?

If you want to quickly whiten your teeth, use a remedy such as baking soda. It is absorbed by the enamel and at the same time eliminates plaque and various stains. Apply it as follows:

  1. Mix 10 grams of soda with 5 ml of water.
  2. Apply the mixture to the toothbrush.
  3. Brush your teeth.
  4. Do not flush the mixture for 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse the mouth thoroughly.

After 5 minutes after that, you should brush your teeth with usual toothpaste. This bleaching soda should be done only once in 7 days.

Do you have a small gray coating on the enamel and sensitive gums? How in this case, quickly whiten your teeth at home with soda, so as not to injure them? To do this, you need to brush your teeth once a week with a mixture of toothpaste and soda, prepared in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Whitening teeth with hydrogen peroxide

A quick and very effective way to whiten your teeth at home is to rinse your mouth with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.


Preparation and use

Mix the water with the peroxide. Thoroughly brush your teeth with toothpaste, and then rinse your mouth thoroughly with the prepared solution. After the procedure is completed, you should rinse the oral cavity with water. This bleaching procedure can be carried out only twice a week.

If you rinse your mouth with such a solution you are very uncomfortable, you can simply apply undiluted peroxide to the cotton pad and wipe their teeth well. After this, you should always brush your teeth.

How to whiten your teeth with orange and bay leaf?

Those who want to whiten their teeth as quickly as possible at home should use this method:

  1. Remove the skin from the orange.
  2. Pound the bay leaf into powder in a mortar.
  3. It is good to rub your teeth with an orange peel.
  4. Apply a powder of laurel on the teeth.
  5. After 5 minutes, rinse the mouth thoroughly.

This is really a quick way to whiten your teeth, since the acid contained in the orange peel kills bacteria that provoke the appearance of various spots on the enamel, and the bay leaves completely discolor the darkening. Visible effect, you will notice only a few procedures. This method should be used only once a week.

How to whiten your teeth with a banana?

At home you can quickly whiten your teeth using a natural bleach, like a banana peel. It is absolutely safe for enamel and will help to eliminate even strong yellowness and various stains. To make your teeth white, you need to do this once a week:

  1. Peel off the banana.
  2. Wipe her teeth for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Rinse your mouth with water.
  4. This method can be used 2 times a week.

Teeth whitening with clay

White clay is an excellent bleach. It is a part of some types of tooth powders and pastes. This clay is able to remove even small stones and prevents their further formation. With its regular use, the enamel not only becomes white, but strengthens.

The procedure for whitening with white clay is very simple. You should dip the brush into the clay and brush her teeth. For the powder to quickly eliminate all stains, before applying it, rinse the mouth with water.