Rosemary medicinal - medicinal properties and application

A popular fragrant plant is common in cooking, but in addition it has a wide range of useful properties. Rosemary medicinal is used in many folk recipes for the treatment of diseases and cosmetic procedures. Its properties are confirmed by scientists.

What is rosemary?

Outwardly, the branch of this plant is similar to spruce, since it has a large number of small leaves, similar to flat needles. In the fresh form they are soft, and when dry, they become sticky. Medicinal rosemary, the chemical composition of which was determined by scientists, positively affects health due to the fact that the composition contains such substances:

  1. Caprylic acid suppresses the activity of fungi and bacteria.
  2. Increases the level of good cholesterol and has an antiviral effect of lauric acid.
  3. Myristic acid helps to stabilize the level of proteins.
  4. Has a moisturizing effect of palmitic acid.
  5. Oleic acid is a source of energy.
  6. Useful is the essential fatty linolenic acid.
  7. Valine is important for maintaining normal nitrogen metabolism.
  8. An indispensable amino acid is important for the synthesis of hemoglobin - isoleucine.
  9. Lysine and threonine are involved in the production of collagen and tissue regeneration.
  10. Tryptophan is important for the synthesis of proteins and vitamin B3.
  11. Rosemary medicinal has in its composition potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and phosphorus. As for vitamins, there are A, K, C, E, PP and B group in the plant.

Rosemary - medicinal properties and application

Due to the presence of a large number of useful substances, the present medicinal plant has an extensive list of properties.

  1. Improves the movement of blood and removes toxic substances from the body. The presence of antioxidant and carcinogenic properties makes the plant useful for immunity.
  2. Aromatic rosemary, whose medicinal properties are proved by scientists, is useful for the digestive system. Use it for indigestion , constipation and poor peristalsis.
  3. In the composition of the medicinal plant there is a substance whose action is aimed at reducing the risk of cancer.
  4. The aroma of rosemary positively affects the psychological state of people, effectively coping with the symptoms of depression, lethargy and insomnia.
  5. Finding out how useful rosemary for health, it is worth pointing out that thanks to Japanese scientists it was revealed that the plant effectively fights with signs of premature aging, resulting from improper operation of the brain.

Rosemary for Memory

About the properties of this plant to improve memory was known many years ago, so in ancient Greece, students stuck to themselves twigs in the hair during the preparation for exams. Even in the famous work "Hamlet", it refers to the properties of rosemary. Experiments have shown that the plant contains carnosic acid, which prevents the harmful effects of free radicals. Rosemary for the brain is useful for the presence of chemical compounds that fight against a substance that destroys brain cells.

Scientists have found that the aroma of rosemary increases the ability to memorize by 60-75%. When you inhale the fragrance before performing certain tasks, you can cope with stress and increase the speed and accuracy of the actions. You can inhale the fragrance that a plant twig emits or use a mixture for aromatic lamps, mixing three drops of rosemary and two drops of lemon.

Rosemary from a cough

Due to the presence of wound healing, analgesic and antiviral properties, the plant is successfully used for bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infection, asthma and other similar diseases. You can disinfect the air by adding a few drops of rosemary oil to the aroma lamp. Phytoncides released into the air will cope with harmful bacteria. In addition, rosemary for cold and cough use as a decoction.



  1. Pour the plant with boiling water and insist under the lid for two hours.
  2. After this, rinse the throat and nose. Still it is possible to take three times a day inwards on 0,5 st.

Rosemary from headache

Scientists have long established a unique property of the plant - in a short period of time to relieve the headache and cope with dizziness. Rosemary is an excellent stimulant that positively influences brain activity and the nervous system. It helps improve blood circulation and improve the general tone of the body. Please note that due to a strong stimulating effect, it is not recommended to use it for hypertension and epilepsy. To cope with the headache, you need some time to inhale the fragrance of the plant.

Rosemary in Cosmetology

In addition to the recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of various health problems, this plant is used for cosmetic purposes. Scientists and a huge number of people who have already tried the funds on themselves, assure that the broth, essential oil and rosemary extract in cosmetology work wonders. Use the plant can be in the care of hair, skin of the face and the whole body, but it is also effective in combating cellulite. Before the procedures, be sure to check whether there is an allergy to rosemary medicinal.

Broth of rosemary for hair

A fragrant plant can be used in hair care products, and all thanks to a wide range of useful properties:

  1. Rosemary for hair upsets growth and stops the loss, thanks to the strengthening of the hair follicles.
  2. The plant normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, so you can forget what a glossy shine is.
  3. It helps the plant to restore the strands after using various hot styling agents and chemical dyes.
  4. Grass rosemary helps with all kinds of seborrhea and skin irritations.
  5. With the help of regular procedures, you can return the curls to attractiveness, brilliance and vitality.



  1. Pour the plant with boiling water and put on a small fire. Boil for 5 minutes.
  2. After this, without opening the lid, infuse for another 20 minutes, and then strain.

Mask for hair with rosemary

To improve the condition of your hair, it is recommended that you regularly make masks that contain rosemary oil. It restores the structure of the hair, smooths the strands and gives them softness. With simple procedures you can cope with itching, inflammation and irritation. It is important to know how to use rosemary, and for this purpose, such masks are suitable:

  1. To improve growth and nutrition, it is recommended to mix 35 g of castor and burdock oil and add three drops of rosemary ether. With this preparation, carefully treat the skin and cover the head with a film for 40 minutes. After this, rinse in the usual way.
  2. Finding out where to use rosemary, it is worth pointing out that to stop falling and awakening of sleeping bulbs, it is recommended to combine the crushed horseradish root with rosemary broth to make a gruel. Put it on the roots and after half an hour rinse with plenty of water. Rinse is recommended to be carried out with a decoction of rosemary.

Rosemary for dyeing hair

To change the shade of your hair, it is not necessary to use chemical paints, which for the most part worsen the condition of the strands. Alternatives are natural plants that have a coloring effect. Rosemary for hair gives them a darker shade, which is important to consider blonde people. Prepare the color to make the color.



  1. Fill the medicinal plant with hot water and insist before cooling under the lid. Pour into a bottle with a spray and apply to the hair.
  2. Use the tool every day. Hair will darken naturally.

Rosemary for the face

Rosemary oil is used in face care products. It is better to buy it in a pharmacy, or make it yourself, insisting that the sprigs are in olive oil for several weeks. Use medicinal rosemary from acne, as it stabilizes the work of the sebaceous glands, thereby reducing the fat content of the skin and inflammation. With regular application, you can even, tone and soften the skin. For the healing agent you need a few drops to add to the usual cream or face mask.

Rosemary from spots after acne

Eruptions occur as a result of an inflammatory process that changes the structure of the skin, so after removing acne there are red spots. You can cope with them using medicinal rosemary in cosmetology for a person who restores metabolic processes in tissues and circulation, soothes the skin, activates the regeneration process and has a healing effect.

  1. For the preparation of the product it is recommended to mix the oil of rosemary and tea tree. Ingredients take in equal proportions.
  2. Dampen the swab in it and attach it to the problem areas.
  3. The procedure should be at least two times a day for a month.

Rosemary from cellulite

In order not to spend money on expensive procedures in the salons, you can cope with the "orange peel" at home using essential oil of rosemary medicinal. With regular application, it helps to smooth the surface of the skin, removes excess water and restores lipid metabolism . Still, rosemary from stretch marks will help, as it activates the process of tissue regeneration. There are several ways you can use the tool:

  1. Massage . In the massage cream, you need to add eight drops of essential oil. Apply it to problem areas and massage, performing circular and pinching movements. Gradually increase the mechanical load.
  2. Wraps . Connect a couple of spoons of olive oil with rosemary and lemon ether, taking 7 drops. Rub the problem areas, wrap the film and cover with a warm blanket. Wash it off in an hour.
  3. Baths . It is possible during the bath to add a small amount of essential oil of rosemary and lemon.
  4. Masks . In this case, rosemary medicinal will affect not only the upper layers of the skin, but also penetrate deep inside, promoting the splitting of fat. Take 2 tablespoons of sour cream and a spoonful of white clay, stir and add 2-3 drops of rosemary, lemon and grapefruit ester. Uniform mass apply to problem areas and keep half an hour.

Rosemary Slimming

Aromatic plant has a number of properties that help to lose weight, so it is recommended to use it when preparing dietary dishes and for various folk remedies. Grass rosemary medicinal increases the metabolic rate and positively affects the digestive system.