Broth of onion peel

Remember the children's riddle "a grandfather sits, a hundred fur coats are dressed, who undresses him - he sheds tears"? We will make this very teary grandfather the main hero of our today's history. And not even the grandfather himself, but his "coats." Let's talk about what is useful decoction of onion husks, what it contains and in what cases it is used.

How useful is the onion peel?

So, what is the use of onion husk decoction? It turns out, in its wide range of applications. After all, in the clothes of the "mysterious grandfather" there are so many important and necessary substances that, if we think to translate them into weapons against diseases, would suffice for one medical army.

But the "nuclear bomb" of onions is not vitamin C, as is commonly believed in the masses, but the unique substance of quercetin. It is in him that the whole onion strength, capable both of getting rid of flu and sore throats, and of stopping oncology, lies. And it is contained in onion husks, which we thoughtlessly every day throw out handfuls.

Treatment with onion peel broth

Agree that all of the above arises an interesting question, and why then doctors do not talk about the benefits of onions to their patients, why they do not use it in practice, why expensive medications are prescribed, and not cheap folk remedies? Everything is very simple. And with that, and on the other hand there are people who want a quick effect and do not accept traditional medicine in principle. But we are not one of them, right? So let's get acquainted with the options for treating onion husks.

Decoction of onion husks to strengthen the monthly

There is such a female problem called amenorrhea . This is when the monthly come rarely and meagerly, or do not come at all. There is a problem with hormonal disorders, it is necessary to treat it, of course, in a complex way, but here the broth of onion husks for calling monthly is like an "ambulance" for the core.

This medicine is done this way: 2-3 tbsp. l. Onion husks are poured with a liter of water and wait until everything boils good. Then remove from heat and allow to stand until it has cooled to a pleasant temperature. Next, the broth is filtered and taken half the glass in the morning and evening half an hour before meals.

Broth of onion husks for varicose veins

Another feminine problem that arises from the love of high heels and due to some characteristics of the female body is varicose veins . To remove the ugly "stars" from the feet and to restore the former quickness and ease will also help onion husks.

To prepare a medicine for "stars", 2 tbsp. l. Onion husks are poured with a hundred grams of vodka and insist for a week. Then filter and take 20 drops for half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment 10 days, if necessary in a month and a half you can repeat.

If you do not accept alcohol, then you can do with a watery infusion. 2 tbsp. l. Onion husks fill with four hundred grams of steep boiling water, insist 6 hours, strain and take a quarter cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days, repeated after a week break until the disease completely disappears.

Decoction of onion peel from cough

Angina, influenza, bronchitis and any other colds are often accompanied by a cough. Decoction of onion husks will help in this case. Throw a handful of rustling scales into the water and bring to a boil. Remove the broth from the fire, put it on the table, sit in front of him, covered with a blanket or a large shawl, and inhale the healing steam. The same broth rinse your throat. To increase the effect and aroma to the onion, you can add sage or chamomile.

Onion broth for hair

Good onion broth and for hair. After each head wash, just rinse them with hair, and you will never see dandruff and gray hair, and the hair will be lush and rich.

As for contraindications to the broth of onion husks, no such information has yet been found. So, feel free to use this simple and effective home healer and be healthy.