Ringworm Symptoms

Ringworm is a common name for infectious fungal skin damage, which affects both humans and animals. The most characteristic sign of ringworm is the defeat of the hairy areas of the body with the breaking of the hair at the root itself. Specific "cut" areas are formed, which gave the popular name of the disease. In medicine, ringworm is called trichophytosis or microsporia, depending on which pathogen it is caused, although the symptoms of skin lesions in different forms of the disease do not differ.

Infection with ringworm

The most common source of infection is contact with sick animals (cats, dogs, rats). You can also get infected by direct contact with a sick person or by using common hygiene items (towels, combs, underwear).

The incubation period with ringworm can range from 7 days to 2 months.

Symptoms of ringworm in humans

Depending on the area of ​​the lesion, the depth of the skin lesion is deprived, the general condition of the immune system, the signs of ringworm in a person may differ. Therefore, most often the doctors distinguish the superficial deprivation of the scalp, the superficial deprivation of smooth skin, deep and chronic ringworm.

Symptoms of ringworm on the head

In the hairline, round or oval bald spots are formed in size from 2-3 millimeters to several centimeters. Hair on these sites break off at a distance of two millimeters from the skin as if they were short-cut. Skin on the affected area to peel, there may be slight redness and itching.

Symptoms of ringworm on the body

On the skin there are clearly delineated round spots, along the edges of which a roller is formed from knots and blisters of pink color. In the center of the spot, the skin is lighter, covered with small scales. Skin in the place of appearance deprives itching.

Symptoms of chronic lichen

This form of the disease is usually observed in women with dysfunction of the thyroid gland or ovaries, which have not cured prior to superficial deprivation. Most often localized on the back of the head, temples, palms, nails, hips. It is accompanied by reddening of the skin and continuous itching. Nails become dull gray colors and begin to crumble.

Symptoms of deep ringworm

It is usually observed on the scalp. To symptoms of superficial deprivation is added an increase in lymph nodes , an increase in body temperature. Affected areas acquire a bright red color and become painful, there are tuberous elevations, and when the follicles are opened, pus is released from them.

Ringworm is prone to rapid spreading and in the absence of treatment it can quickly hit a significant part of the skin.