Than to stop a vomiting at the child?

Severe vomiting in the baby, especially in the newborn, always scares the parents. Meanwhile, this symptom does not necessarily indicate a serious illness. In this article, we will tell you what causes vomiting in a child, and how it can be stopped at home.

Types and causes of vomiting in children

In most cases, the child's vomiting, depending on her nature, causes the following reasons:

  1. Vomiting with mucus in a baby is most commonly caused by overeating. In older children, rotavirus infection, influenza, exacerbation of chronic gastritis, as well as certain diseases of the central nervous system can be manifested in this way.
  2. Vomiting with bile greenish-yellow color almost always happens as a result of food poisoning.
  3. Finally, vomiting with blood is a consequence of bleeding in the digestive tract. Such a condition requires immediate hospitalization, as it can threaten the life and health of the child.

How to stop vomiting in a child at home?

If a young child has vomiting blood, do not try to figure out what stops her. Immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital without hesitation. Before the arrival of medical personnel, do not give the child any medications or even water. You can put a bubble with ice on the stomach of the crumbs.

In all other cases, you can try to alleviate the condition of the baby as follows:

  1. Provide bed rest. Lie better on your side, in order to avoid getting vomit in the respiratory tract.
  2. To prevent dehydration, the child needs to drink as much as possible. Offer your child his favorite drink if he refuses ordinary water.
  3. After each attack, wash your face with clean water.
  4. 10 minutes after vomiting, the baby should be given a solution of Regidron or BioGaa OPS, one teaspoon every 5 minutes.
  5. Finally, you can use drugs that stop vomiting in children, such as Cerucal or Motilium. In addition, it would be superfluous to receive sorbents, for example, activated carbon or Enterosgel. In some cases, Smecta can also help, because it envelops the intestinal mucosa and inhibits its peristalsis, reducing emetic desires. Any medicines in newborn babies up to a year can be used only after consultation with the attending physician.