How to paint the ceiling?

Painting the ceiling - it is very important, it is with him to start correctly all the finishing work in the room. As it is better to do, what materials to use it is necessary to solve in advance, beforehand carefully thought out all. How and how to paint the ceiling, we will consider in detail below.

Preparation for the process of painting the ceiling

The first thing you need to do is decide whether to whitewash or paint the ceiling? Of course, whitewashing will be much cheaper, and in rooms where there is no increased humidity and other unfavorable external factors, it is quite possible to do just that. That is, whitewash is suitable for a bedroom, corridor, living room. However, if the question arises, how to paint the ceiling in the kitchen or in the bathroom, it is best to choose a water-based paint . This coating is durable, looks beautiful, does not require serious care, besides, it allows the surface to breathe.

So, how to paint the ceiling qualitatively, having previously determined the materials? The next important step is the acquisition of a brush and a roller. Be sure to have at hand and one and the other, because the brush is easier to paint hard-to-reach areas of the ceiling, and the roller - faster to handle the main surface. Here are the basic rules for choosing these tools: do not buy a roller from foam rubber; a tool with a long or medium pile without rough seams is good; a convenient thing - a roller in a set with a tray, through which the paint will not drain down. As for the brush, before buying it is necessary to pull the nap and take it only if it does not stretch. Another important point - the roller should not lose its shape after compression. The dimensions of the tools are important: the width of the roller should be about 30 cm, the brush should be about 6 cm. For the painting process, you also need to stock up on the paint tray, a stepladder and a long, durable stick that will be used as an extension for the roller.

All the furniture from the room must be taken out, all the chandeliers, lamps, lamps are removed from the ceiling. If the furniture has nowhere to go, you need to close it properly with a material that does not let moisture pass.

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint - practical advice

First you need to clean the ceiling of the old paint or whitewash, after which the surface is cleaned from dust and ground. If there are cracks on the ceiling, they should be puttied, leveling all irregularities. After the primer has dried, you can start painting.

You need to start with a brush: it paints places around pipes, built-in elements, all joints with walls, ledges and other elements that are difficult to handle. Then the roller is turned on. It is necessary to dilute the paint of medium consistency and pour it into the tray. After that, you need to lower one side of the platen in the tray and evenly distribute the paint on it, rolling it over the surface of the tray. To paint it is necessary stripes from a wall to a wall, strips should go on each other centimeters on 10. To work it is necessary quickly that the paint correctly and evenly laid down. A few hours later, a second coat of paint is applied, perpendicular to the first. After the ceiling is completely painted, you need to allow it to dry properly, protecting it from direct sun rays and drafts.

Water emulsion is an excellent solution for covering concrete ceilings. This is the best answer to the question "what color paint the ceiling"? This process is not too complicated or lengthy, it is important to carefully think through and prepare everything, and also to work smoothly and promptly. And as a result will leave a beautiful and even ceiling.