Stages of hemorrhoids

Everyone knows that such a disease exists, but it is not accepted to speak aloud about hemorrhoids. People who suffer from this problem prefer not to spread it, but those who are fortunate enough not to be familiar with hemorrhoids, and do not want to know any details about the disease. In fact, knowledge of at least the main symptoms of the disease will not be superfluous. The fact is that there are different stages of hemorrhoids, and the earlier the disease will be diagnosed, the fewer problems will have to be faced.

The problem is hemorrhoids

Unfortunately, no one is immune from hemorrhoids. This problem can develop both in the female and in the male body. The main trouble of hemorrhoids is that at the initial stages of development no one pays any attention to it, mainly because of ignorance of the main manifestations.

Ignoring the first signs of hemorrhoids in the initial stage, you can start the disease. The disease develops in every organism in different ways. In some patients, clinical manifestations of hemorrhoids appear within a few weeks after the onset of the disease, while others may not even suspect their diagnosis for years.

The main stages of hemorrhoids

So, doctors distinguish four stages of hemorrhoids. All of them differ between themselves and symptoms, and ways of treatment:

1. In medicine, the first stage of hemorrhoids is often called internal hemorrhoids . In some cases, the disease is asymptomatic, but often the signs are simply neglected. At this stage of hemorrhoids, the nodes are still too small, and they can not be seen from the outside. The main symptoms are:

2. In 2 stages, hemorrhoids are easier to detect. Itching and bleeding are worse. And the blood is abundant. But the most important sign of the disease is the loss of the nodes during the excrement, but they can be re-applied manually.

3. External hemorrhoids of stage 3 delivers the patient a lot of problems. Hemorrhoidal nodes fall out not only during defecation, but also after physical exertion. At this stage, it is almost impossible to restore them back. Hemorrhoids of the third stage are accompanied by severe discomfort and pain. To treat the disease at this stage, most likely, will have to use the surgical method.

4. The most serious, complicated and neglected stage 4 hemorrhoids . Hemorrhoidal nodes are constantly outside, and they can not be corrected. The process of excrement is accompanied by severe bleeding, which causes the patient to develop anemia . Burning and itching do not give rest. Very often the fourth stage of hemorrhoids can lead to serious complications: thrombosis or necrosis.