
Seto-Naykai - Inner Japanese Sea, located between the islands of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. The status of the national park was received in March 1934.

Description of the park

The Seto-Naikai National Park includes many islands, the most famous of which are:

Cities that are part of Seto-Naykai:

Not only cities and islands are of interest in this national park: in the Inner Sea of ​​Seto Natkai there is often observed an interesting phenomenon, which was called the Naruto whirlpool. They are formed because of different water levels in the Inland Sea and the Pacific, and are most often observed in spring during high water. The diameter of the whirlpool reaches 20 m.

The internal sea creates special climatic conditions, thanks to which the coast has a rich vegetation and a diverse fauna.

How to get there?

To get from the city of Hiroshima to the pearl of Seto-Naikai - the island of Itukushima (Miyajima) - there are several ways: