Date palm - leaves dry

Such a common plant, as a date palm tree, can be found everywhere - in offices, hospital and school vestibules, and, of course, in apartments. With proper care, it can reach a gigantic size. But very often those who grow the plant complain that the date palms dry and twist the leaves, let's work out together what to do in this situation.

Air humidity

Insufficient moisture content in the air surrounding the plant becomes a stumbling block for many florists. But in fact, without observing this rule, such people from the tropics, to which the date palm belongs, are simply doomed to desiccation.

If you can not understand why the leaf tips of the date palm dry up, then try to regularly moisturize your green beauty. A small plant can be sprayed manually from the spray with warm soft water, and the giants will need constant air humidity, which can be provided by humidifiers that are used in everyday life.

Soil moisture

Of course, for such a lover of moisture and soil should be appropriate. Soil must be selected loose, well-permeable water. Such soil mixtures, in which mainly peat or coconut substrate , are too light, and do not retain liquid. Therefore, the root system does not receive the necessary water in full.

But heavy clay fillers do not fit, because the clamping of the root system is no better than its drying. Because we choose the golden mean, mixing different soils, and do not forget about regular fertilizing for palms.

The water should flow into the pan after watering and after one hour soak back. If this does not happen, then watering was excessive and excess water must be soaked with a sponge. To understand whether the plant is properly watered, you should tap a tub with your finger - if the sound is sonorous, then it's dry, and if it's deaf, it's wet.


Another reason why the leaves dry at the date palm, there may be a variety of parasites that have settled on leaves or in the ground. The plant should be thoroughly inspected and, if necessary, taken to destroy pests.