How to take aspirin for weight loss?

In the fight against extra pounds, some slimming people use not only "habitual weapons" - sports and diet, but also drink various supplements that help speed up this process and achieve better results. To such additives carry and aspirin , and as it to accept for growing thin, will be told in this article.

Aspirin, as a means to lose weight

Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, has been taken for several decades as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic, but in numerous studies it has been found that this substance helps in reducing weight. The active component of the drug takes part in intracellular metabolism . Once ingested, it breaks down to salicylic acid, which interacts with the activated protein kinase, which leads to an increase in energy expenditure. This requires an additional source of nutrition, which becomes fat cells.

Dosage of aspirin for weight loss

It depends on the form of the drug and whether it includes additional supplements. Special dietary supplements based on ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin should be taken as prescribed in the instructions. Pure acetylsalicylic acid drink 1-2 tablets a day for a full stomach, squeezed large amounts of liquid. The maximum daily dose is 325 mg. It must be remembered that aspirin has a lot of contraindications. It is not recommended to use it for people suffering from gastrointestinal tract diseases - ulcers and gastritis. The same applies to people with impaired renal function, expressed by cardiac insufficiency, hemophilia.

You can not drink it to young children, pregnant and lactating women. In addition, there is always the risk of individual intolerance and allergic reactions.