How to lose weight with a rope?

Many of us remember from childhood, as it was fun to jump with a skipping rope in the yard, but not many of us perceive this object as a simulator for dropping excess weight. If you doubt whether the rope helps to lose weight, then in vain, because the cost of energy jumping rope surpass even the running. Cardiologists in turn are sure that this simple subject, by its effectiveness, is not inferior to expensive cardiovascular equipment .

The rope for weight loss

For those who care whether you can lose weight from the rope quickly, there is also great news - jumping can burn 200 kcal for 15 minutes, provided that their intensity will be about 100 bounces per minute. Thus, regularly practicing even at an average pace, you will see how you can gradually lose weight with a rope.

This kind of training is good for its simplicity and accessibility. All you need to get started is to buy a rope. You can decide when and where it will be more convenient for you to train: in the morning on the air or in the evening at home. The main thing is to do it regularly and in a good mood. Another great plus of losing weight with a rope is that this method is much better than others to quickly remove excess centimeters from the legs and thighs, strengthen the muscle tone and increase their density.

In addition to losing weight, these exercises will have a beneficial effect on the overall state of your health. Jumps with a skipping rope will help to remove slags from the body, eliminate stagnant phenomena in the legs and will stimulate the work of the cardiovascular and muscular systems.

Before you start training with a rope, you need to pick the right one for your height. For people whose height does not exceed 152 cm rope is suitable, 210 cm long, with an increase of 152-167 cm need a rope 250 cm, with 167-183 cm of growth - 280 cm, and with growth over 183 cm - the length of the rope should be 310 cm.

How to jump for weight loss?

Now that you have chosen the right tool, it remains to learn how to lose weight by jumping rope. You need to start with simple low jumps, in which only the legs, forearms and wrists will be involved, and the trunk should remain motionless in a certain position. Start jumping at a steady pace and gradually increase it. It's enough 10-15 minutes a day with a skipping rope to feel the result, but ideally the exercises should be backed up with proper nutrition and then you will forever forget about the problem of excess weight.