Eggplant in tomato

In the season of vegetables, you need to try as often and more to consume them as food to stock up vitamins and trace elements, to maintain immunity. Also, many people try to prepare vegetables for the winter, so that in the cold weather the mountain can diversify the menu.

One of the most useful vegetables, popular in the south - eggplant. This vegetable contains a record amount of magnesium and iron, so it is especially recommended to include in the diet for those who suffer from anemia. Very tasty eggplant in tomato is a traditional combination, and from the combination of tomatoes with them you can cook about a dozen dishes. Here are some options.

Delicious combination



We remove the bulbs from the bulbs, clean the carrots and chop them into small cubes. Eggplants are usually slightly bitter, if they are not cooked correctly, so cut them into small slices, pour into a deep bowl or a large saucepan and fill with salt water. The amount of salt in this case is completely unimportant - just throw a handful of salt in the water and leave for half an hour-hour. During this time, tomatoes are passed through a meat grinder, or rubbed on a grater, or we rub with a blender - we need tomato pulp. After that, we wash the eggplant cubes and start cooking. In half the oil, fry the onions with carrots, when the vegetables become soft, add tomato, salt and spices. In the second part of the butter, let's pass the eggplants to the translucency. Fried eggplants in tomato - it's very tasty. We connect the pieces of blue with gravy, add garlic and simmer under the lid on a slow fire for 10 minutes. If the amount of garlic is increased and a couple of spoons of vinegar is added, the eggplants in the tomato will turn out to be sharp. Of course, such eggplants with tomatoes and garlic should be prepared for winter - we put our snack into warm, cleanly washed jars, sterilized for 15-20 minutes and rolled.

Eggplant caviar

You can cook eggplant in different ways for the winter, the best recipes yet we peep in the culinary notebooks of our mothers and grandmothers. Red eggplant caviar is very tasty, useful and simple.



To cook this dish, bake eggplant with tomatoes in the oven, then remove the peel from the tomatoes and finely chop them, remove the eggplant from the dense hard skin, and put the pulp under the press for a couple of hours, then pour it into the gruel with a knife. In warmed oil, we will save the finely chopped onions to translucency, add the eggplants and tomatoes, season with salt and spices. Stew, stirring, about a quarter of an hour and can be rolled. We lay the eggs in sterilized jars and immediately close them. We let it cool under the blanket, then we move it to the basement. As you can see, it's easy to cook eggplants in tomato, even inexperienced cooks are able to prepare a recipe.

Add pepper

A very tasty eggplant with pepper in tomato. You can simply add a few baked peppers to the previous recipe, or you can cook differently.



Onions and carrots are cleaned, then finely shredded. Cut the eggplants into cubes and soak them in salt water. Pepper is cleared from seeds and partitions, tomatoes are blanched and peeled. We cut both pepper and tomatoes with pieces, like eggplants. Simmer all together in preheated oil until ready, sometimes stirring, at the end of the salt and add the spices.