Ketchup at home

Ketchup - a favorite sauce, you can easily cook at home on your own. There are a lot of recipes for cooking ketchup at home. The housewives have the opportunity to make sweet, sour-sweet or hot home ketchup. Home-made ketchup differs from those sold in the store in that only fresh and quality products are included in its composition. Now we will share with you several recipes.

Recipe for hot ketchup



Onion and tomatoes to pass through a meat grinder, pour the resulting mass into a saucepan and boil on low heat for 45 minutes. After that, add the crushed spices, vinegar and salt to the vegetables, and cook for another 5 minutes. A little cooled down mass should be spread over the banks and cool. This recipe of home ketchup is widely used for harvesting for the winter.

How else can you make home ketchup?



Cut the tomatoes into small slices, add the chopped onions to them, transfer this mixture into a saucepan and simmer under the lid for 20 minutes. After this, rub onions with tomatoes through a sieve to obtain a homogeneous mass and boil this mass for 1 hour. Spices wrap in gauze and dip into boiling tomatoes with onions for 10 minutes. Add salt and vinegar. After that, pour hot ketchup on pre-prepared cans and immediately turn.

Recipe of homemade ketchup with spices



Tomatoes to pass through a meat grinder and cook on low heat, until their mass does not decrease by 2 times. After this, add the vinegar, sugar, salt and red pepper. All other spices are mixed, wrapped in a piece of gauze and dipped in a pan with ketchup for 20 minutes. Now ketchup can be poured over cans and rolled up.

The recipe for a thick tomato ketchup



Tomatoes to pass through a meat grinder, to shift in a pan and add to them sugar and vinegar. Bring this mixture to a boil. After that, add the garlic, mustard powder, salt, chili, and cook for another 15 minutes. Next ketchup must be brought to a homogeneous state with a hand or electric mixer. After the mixture has cooled, its can be bottled or served. This ketchup is perfectly combined with any meat dishes, and also, it is suitable as a filling for borsch.

It is important to remember that before you make a home ketchup you need to go through all the tomatoes. Only one rotten tomato can spoil the taste of the whole sauce.

For those who like fine dishes, the recipe of any ketchup can be supplemented with your favorite spices and ingredients. In the ketchup, you can add laurel leaves, hops-suneli, greens, pickles, fried with onion mushrooms. Such an unusual sauce is suitable for both a daily meal and a festive feast.