Fibrous mastopathy

Fibrous mastopathy is a disease that is accompanied by a change in the connective tissue of the breast. In this case, a predominance of the fibrous process is observed, which manifests itself in a change in interlobular tissue and proliferation (germination) into the intraluminal tissue of the gland. All this is accompanied by a narrowing of the lumen of the glandular duct, which in the end can lead to complete blockage - obliteration.

Why does mastitis occur?

There are many reasons for the development of fibrous mastopathy. This fact only complicates the process of determining exactly the one that led to the development of pathology. Most often, fibrous mastopathy develops as a result of:

What are the main signs of fibrotic mastopathy?

In order to identify the pathology at an early stage and begin treatment as early as possible, every woman needs to know the symptoms of fibrotic mastopathy in the body. Most often, the disease can be recognized by:

Typically, the pain can also suddenly disappear, as it appeared, which only postpones the woman's visit to the doctor. It must be remembered that the success of treating such a pathology largely depends on the timeliness of treatment.

How is mastopathy treated?

The entire therapeutic process of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is carried out on an outpatient basis. treatment requires medical supervision. First of all, hormone therapy is prescribed to stabilize the hormonal background of the female body. Such drugs are prescribed only after a complete examination of the patient, and the establishment of all causes of pathology.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are estradiol, progesterone, prolactin: Progestogel, Livial, Utrozhestan, Tamoxifen, Dufaston , etc. Self-administration of these medications is unacceptable - all appointments are made by the doctor, indicating the dosages and the frequency of admission.

Along with hormonal therapy, general restorative therapy is performed, in order to increase the defenses of the body, weakened by pathology. For this purpose, various complexes of vitamins and microelements are prescribed.

In the case where the cause of the development of fibrous breast mastopathy is a psychological factor, the doctor prescribes sedative medications. For this, medications containing valerian, motherwort, hops are used.

When the disease is not complicated by other factors, the doctor may confine himself to prescribing only phytopreparations that effectively cope with the pathology at its initial stage. It can be such drugs as Clamin , Phytolone, Mastodion.

If a woman asked for medical help rather late, or if conservative therapy did not give the required result, they begin surgical removal of the fibrous nodes. However, in medical practice, this is very rare.

Thus, how fibrotic mastopathy will be treated depends directly on the time of the woman's treatment to the doctor, and on the stage of the disease. Therefore, it is better at the first painful sensations in the chest to seek advice from a gynecologist.