Cracks in the labia

Cracks in the labia are a very unpleasant phenomenon, so to quickly and permanently cope with it, find out the cause of the problem.

Cracks in the small and large labia are the reasons:

  1. Infectious diseases. In this case, the dryness of female genital organs and a constant feeling of discomfort are observed. Sometimes on the affected areas there is hyperemia of the tissues (reddening) or vice versa, blanching of the skin.
  2. Lack of estrogen. Hormonal disorders are the worst enemy of the skin, not only on the face. Small production of female sex hormones leads to a lack of vitamin E in the body and loss of moisture cells epidermis and mucous membranes. As a result, sensitive and thin skin is overdried, and cracks appear on the female genitalia.
  3. Insufficient or excessive personal hygiene. With insufficient hygiene, vaginal discharge and urine residues on linen are an ideal breeding ground for coccal crops and fungi. Thus, pathogenic organisms penetrate the sweat and sebaceous glands, causing inflammation and tissue damage.
  4. Clay invasion. Parasites that reproduce in the female genitalia, produce metabolic products that corrode the skin, contribute to its drying and cracking.
  5. Allergic reactions. The use of linen from artificial materials, moisturizers, as well as intimate cosmetics with parabens often leads to allergies. In addition, it can cause wax for hair removal or other means for hair removal in intimate areas.
  6. Diabetes. This reason is rare, but endocrine disorders in diabetes mellitus can provoke dry mucous tissues and the appearance of cracks.
  7. Fungal lesions (candidiasis). Thrush without appropriate treatment develops into more serious infectious diseases, contributing to the reproduction of coccal organisms.

If there are also reddening and dryness of the labia, the reasons can be very trivial:

Causes of a crack between the labia

Vulva is the area between the large and small labia, the folding site. Damage to the vulva is typical in such cases:

  1. Inflammation of infectious nature.
  2. Dysbacteriosis of the vagina or intestine.
  3. Venereal diseases.

In this case, cracks in the vulva are accompanied by reddening and constant burning, especially during the emptying of the bladder.

Cracks in the labia - treatment

If the determining factors are infectious or viral diseases, it is necessary to tackle their treatment in the first place. Most likely, a gynecologist will prescribe antibiotics topically and for oral administration. In addition, the treatment will include antiseptic drugs in the form of candles and vaginal tablets.

Fungal lesions are advisable to be treated with antihistamines with simultaneous restoration of the vaginal microflora. Also used are restorative medications to maintain immunity and vitamins.

Vaginal dysbiosis (dysbacteriosis) requires the reduction of inflammatory processes and the elimination of colonies of coccal pathogenic organisms. It is necessary to use medicinal products with live cultures of lacto- and bifidumbacterium.

Other causes of cracks in the labia require only to change or correct the rules of personal hygiene and, possibly, change the brand of makeup and caring cosmetics.