Symptoms of menopause in women after 50

The onset of menopause is an inevitable component of the female body. No matter how the woman struggled with this, but sooner or later such a period comes. It is believed that the normal age is 50 years with a range in one direction or another at five years, when the fair sex gets the first news that she starts hormonal changes. Symptoms of menopause in women after 50 years are different, but the common components are the same. A woman experiences not only physiological changes, but also psycho-emotional discomfort.

Symptoms of menopause in women at 50 and later

At this age, as never before, wrinkles begin to appear, with no special effect on the cream, the hair becomes duller and rarer, the skin becomes dry and sagging, and the weight can fluctuate absolutely unpredictably. Very often at this age you can hear that the woman is much older. And all this - the symptoms of menopause in women after 50 years, which manifest themselves visually. Physiologically, the fair sex also faces a number of changes, and they are as follows:

  1. Change in the menstrual cycle. The absence of menstrual bleeding for several months and the abundant or, conversely, meager secretions that were previously not characteristic of a woman are the first manifestations of menopause in women 50 years of age and not only. This period can last from 2 to 8 years. It is characterized first by malfunctions in the operation of the ovaries, and then by their complete stop. If within 12 months from the moment of the last menstruation, no longer observed monthly, it is usually assumed that the fair sex had menopause.
  2. Tides. It is unlikely to recognize this condition in women. Tides occur spontaneously and last, on average, 40-60 seconds. First, the woman feels a feeling of heat in the chest, neck, face, with redness of these parts of the body, and then there may come an unexpected sweating. In some, tides occur several times a day, while others can torment up to 60 times a day.
  3. Abundant sweating. Sweating at this age is an integral part of the tides. Sweating can accompany a woman, both during the day and at night. Sometimes it is so strong that a woman has to change not only clothes but also a bed, if this happens during sleep.
  4. Headache. The first signs of menopause in women in 50 years never do without a headache. It can be both dull and acute, paroxysmal, in the temporal and frontal part of the head. The first, as a rule, arises against the background of emotional fatigue, stress, etc., and the second makes itself felt when there are problems with the vessels of the brain.
  5. Lack of air, shortness of breath, increased heart rate and dizziness. The attack can happen suddenly, and such force that the woman loses consciousness for a while. In addition, such symptoms of menopause in women in 50 years may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  6. Pressure change. Most often, the fair sex complains about high blood pressure. It should be noted that with drugs that normalize the pressure, you need to be extremely cautious and take them to the doctor's prescription.

If we talk about the psycho-emotional component of a woman's behavior, she can face insomnia, changes in mood for no apparent reason, depression, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, etc.

In addition, do not forget about the disorders in the genitourinary sphere. One of the most common complaints are not only urinary incontinence and frequent urination, but also an increase or decrease in sexual desire.

So, summing up, I want to say that the symptoms of menopause manifestation are very different. Some women enter this period of life quite calmly, without experiencing severe discomfort, while others struggle with nature long enough and very painful.