Catarrhal angina in children - treatment

Despite the frightening name of the disease, catarrhal angina in children is one of the easy forms of the course of the disease of the tonsils. Its cause is most often hemolytic streptococcus group A. The inflammatory process only in the surface layer of the tonsils and complications does not cause.


In most cases, the symptoms of catarrhal angina in children are interpreted by parents as signs of ARI, because there is usually no increase in temperature, or it rises to 38 ° C, and the crumb complains of neck pain. On the second-third day of the disease the child refuses to eat. However, not because he is not hungry, but because of pain when swallowing. If the parents hold a visual examination of the baby's throat, they will see that the tonsils are slightly enlarged, and on the back of the nasopharynx there is redness.


In general, the disease can not be called serious, but catarrhal angina in children requires treatment, since it can sometimes be a consequence of scarlet fever. In addition, the spread of infection can lead to more serious forms of sore throat - follicular , fibronous or lacunar . That is why in catarrhal tonsillitis antibiotics are prescribed, which prevent complications from the joints, nervous, cardiovascular systems and kidneys.

Do not prescribe an antibiotic to your baby yourself! Only a doctor can advise you how to treat catarrhal sinus correctly, because before that you need to accurately identify the causative agent of the disease.

Parents can only provide a crumb half-table regime, a generous warm drink in the form of herbal teas (chamomile, currant leaves, raspberries, linden) and regular airing of the children's room. Lubricating the neck, spraying it with sprays and rinsing will ease the child's pain. If necessary, the administration of multivitamins and antihistamines is also prescribed.