Lice in children - treatment at home

Pediculosis is a very unpleasant disease. The appearance of lice in the head of a person does not remain long unnoticed. The symptom that arises in this case is the itch of the head, and sometimes such force that people are ready to shave themselves on the head, only to not experience this sensation. Children who are in the team are especially prone to this disease, and "picking up" blood-sucking insects, for example, in kindergarten, can be very easy if among the kids there is a crumb with lice. These insects do not choose their "master" by sex or age, and can appear absolutely in any child. Treatment at home of lice in children can be different, with the use of medicines and without them.

How to get lice out of a child?

Begin the fight with blood-sucking parasites from the head of the baby to see the extent of the lesion. It's one thing, if you see one insect, and quite another, if the head is swarming with them. As a rule, lice most like to be on the back of the head and behind the ears of the child, and if the situation is simple, then you can start treating lice in children with folk remedies that are easy to use and safe for the baby's health. Here are a few ways:

  1. Treatment with oil. To do this, take the tea tree oil and water. Before use, it is recommended to prepare the solution by diluting 6 drops of oil in a glass of water. After that, apply to hair and wrap with cellophane, leaving for 30-40 minutes. Next, wash the head with shampoo, which the baby uses, adding the tea tree oil (15 drops of oil per 100 ml of shampoo) into it. It is known that in addition to tea tree, lice do not tolerate lavender oil, so it can also be used for this purpose.
  2. Circassian water. This remedy is applied to damp hair to the child, starting from the roots, and distributed along the entire length. The time of action of chemic water is 20-30 minutes. Then you need to wash your head with the usual shampoo.
  3. Tar soap. To treat this drug, the baby needs to wet the hair first. After that, abundantly soap the head of the child with a soap, wrap it in cellophane and leave it for 10 minutes. At the end of time, wash the soap with a decoction of sorrel, or if there is not one, then shampoo.

Than to deduce lice at the child if national methods do not help, and it is necessary to get rid of them urgently, it is possible to find out, having visited a drugstore. Pharmacists will offer many tools for fighting bloodsucking parasites, and here are the most popular of them:

  1. A couple of plus, aerosol. The drug is sprayed onto the roots and the entire length of the hair. After this, the product should be held on the head for 10 minutes, not covering it with anything. Further it is recommended to wash the head with shampoo, which is used by the baby. Can be used from 2.5 years.
  2. Nittifor, cream or lotion. To combat parasites lotion, with a cotton swab, is applied over the entire length of the hair, and is actively rubbed into the roots. The exposure time is 40 minutes, after which you should wash your hair with shampoo and rinse your hair with a 5% aqueous solution of acetic acid.
  3. The cream is used in the same way as lotion, but it should be applied to previously washed, towel-dried hair, leaving the cream for 10 minutes. It is recommended for children older than 5 years.

  4. Nix, cream. This is one of the few ways that a lice can be taken to a child, if your baby is not yet a year old. The drug is applied in a thick layer on pre-washed and towel-dried hair, starting from the roots, and distributed over the entire length. The time of exposure to the cream is 10 minutes. After that, it is washed off with shampoo. Can be used from six months of age.

In addition to all of the above, you need to remember that getting rid of the lice easily, but catching them again is even easier. Therefore, after the use of drugs and traditional medicine, it is recommended to comb out dead insects and nits from the hair of crumbs with a special comb or a thick comb. In addition, you need to iron a hot iron all the child's clothes, bed linens and towels, as well as disinfect soft toys and carpets.

How to get lice from children at home is a matter that requires parents not only to use a one-time treatment, but also to prevent the apartment and household items. Forage of this one should not forget that the use of any means that is chosen to combat insects can only be used under the supervision of adults.