Currant processing in autumn from pests and diseases

Currants like to grow many owners of summer cottages. Her berries are a source of vitamins, microelements and many nutrients. Fruits and leaves are used to treat and prevent many diseases. In order to fully enjoy all the useful properties of the plant, it requires proper care. One of its constituent parts is the treatment of currants in autumn from pests and diseases.

Treatment of currants in autumn from diseases

To currant diseases, which you may encounter in the autumn period, are:

  1. The appearance of spots on the leaves. They can be of two kinds: first brown, and then brightens to whiteness (sepioriosis), and dark brown with a light rim, eventually lead to the loss of leaves (cercosporosis). Autumn measures to combat these diseases consist of spraying with Bordeaux liquids 10 days after harvest.
  2. Drying of currant branches. The cause of this disease may be the appearance of a butterfly glazing. She lays eggs in the bark, then there are caterpillars that eat out the branches from the middle. This leads to their drying out. The implementation of autumn activities to combat the glass jail consists in pruning all unhealthy shrunken shoots. Places of cuts should be treated with garden sauce, and cut off the cut branches.
  3. Anthracnose currant - the appearance of small red-brown spots, which gradually spread to the entire leaf. Then the foliage dries out and falls off. This disease is most typical of the red currant. His arguments have the property of staying for the winter. Therefore, it is extremely important to remove all the fallen leaves from under the trees. Also after harvesting berries are processed by Bordeaux liquid.
  4. Powdery mildew. Its appearance is evidenced by a white loose coating attacking leaves and berries. To get rid of the disease, plants are treated with phytosporin, Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate. All shoots affected by this disease must be removed.

Treatment of currant from pests in autumn

Currant can be attacked by the following types of pests: Aphids. It can be of two types: leafy gall and gooseberry shoot. The appearance of the first indicates the appearance on the foliage of blisters of yellow or dark red color. Then the leaves shrivel and fall off. The appearance of gooseberry shoot aphids leads to the curvature of young currant branches. After identifying these pests, immediately spraying with acrylic or carbophos should be carried out. Mite. There are cobweb or kidney mites. The first is characterized by the appearance on the leaves of light points, which then discolor, and then lead to the fall of foliage. The mite affects the buds of the plant and leads to their destruction. These pests are dangerous because they suffer from various diseases. Effective in the fight against them chemical preparations: colloidal sulfur, phosphamide, carbofos. In autumn, it is necessary to remove all shoots affected by the kidney mite.

Currant processing in autumn

In order to organize autumn protection of currant from pests and diseases, during this period, it is mandatory to prune it. It is necessary to get rid of all branches that are more than 5 years old and those that are very thin and weak. It is also necessary to get rid of shoots affected by diseases or pest attacked.

In addition, the necessary measures are preventive spraying in dry windless weather of bushes and soil under them with a one-percent solution of colloidal sulfur and a 2% solution of carbophos.

The treatment of currants in autumn from pests and diseases is the key to growing a healthy plant.