Than to process cabbage from pests?

Cabbage is a useful and tasty vegetable that is present in the ration of each family. Many truck farmers grow cabbage in their summer cottages. But this plant has many enemies, which negate all the efforts of truck farmers in obtaining a good harvest. Therefore, you should think in advance about what can be processed cabbage, and how to protect it from pests .

Folk remedies for processing cabbage from pests

If you want to get a crop without chemicals, only safe techniques should be used to protect cabbage. Let's consider what folk remedies can be used to treat cabbages from pests:

  1. Very often cabbage is damaged by such a dangerous insect as a cruciferous flea . These little bugs can at all eat the young greens of cabbage, and the plant will die. To prevent this, you can use the infusion of leaves of wormwood, tomatoes, potato leaves, celandine. One glass of ground raw material is infused in a bucket of water. Before spraying cabbage, a liquid soap is added to the solution for better adhesion. Another effective remedy for cruciferous fleas is a mixture of wood ash or black pepper and makhorka. First you need to sprinkle cabbage with water, and then pollinate the plants with this mixture. For convenience, the powder can be placed in a bag of gauze and shake it over cabbage. Repel the cruciferous flea growing next to onions, dill, cumin, garlic, marigold, coriander.
  2. At the end of spring another pest - cabbage fly - is activated. She lays in the ground the larvae that hit the roots of cabbage, causing her death. You can destroy the insect by treating a layer of soil under the cabbage with a mixture of black pepper, wood ash and tobacco dust. After treatment, the soil should be thoroughly loosened. It is recommended to periodically remove the top layer of earth around the cabbage and sprinkle the soil from the compost heap or between the rows. To scare off a cabbage fly is an infusion of burdock, which once a week should be sprinkled abundantly on the plant and the ground beneath it.
  3. In rainy and overcast weather cabbages can be destroyed by slugs and garden snails. To protect against these pests, it is necessary to pollinate the planting with a mixture of mustard powder, ground pepper, shallow salt and ash . It is possible to prepare from these constituents an infusion for spraying cabbage. In addition, for these purposes, you can use laurel, garlic, rosemary, thyme, etc. Slugs are easy to catch with special traps. Lay along the cabbage beds wet sackcloth, cabbage leaves or just trim the boards, where slugs will be collected.
  4. Cabbage can be damaged and aphids . In this case, the plants stop growing and wither. To deal with aphids, we must prepare an infusion of tobacco dust and wood ash, taken for 1 glass, and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry mustard. These components are bred in a bucket of water and insisted for a day. Sprinkle planting cabbage and infusions of plants: onion husks, yarrow, potato leaves, horse sorrel, horse radish, wormwood and others. In the same way, they fight with such a wrecker as cabbage whiting.

We have considered several ways, than it is better to process cabbage from pests. If none of them could help you, you can resort to chemical drugs. For the destruction of fleas, slugs and aphids, you can use the funds of Fury, Aktelik, Fitoverm, Inta-Vir and others. They should be used strictly according to the instructions.