Carrots "Nandrin"

Domestic gardeners grow varieties on their plots not only developing breeders of their region, but also foreign ones. Many people think that it is inadvisable to do this, because the climate is completely different, so they do not give the expected results.

Of the Dutch selection, such a variety of carrots as "Nandrin F1" is very popular, and to be more precise, it is a hybrid. With him and get acquainted more closely in this article.

The main characteristics of carrots "Nandrin F1"

He belongs to the group of high-yielding and early-ripening varieties. The harvest ripens after 105 days after emergence.

Carrots "Nandrin F1" has a cylindrical shape with a blunt end. Its roots grow 15-20 cm in length, about 4 cm in diameter and weighing up to 300 g. A characteristic feature is an even orange-red smooth skin. The inner part, practically does not differ in color from the external, while the core is practically not released.

The pulp of this type of carrot is firm, but it is juicy and rich in carotene. Due to this, it can be used for consumption in fresh food or for processing.

This variety of carrots can be grown both in small volumes (for the family), and in large (for sale). This is facilitated by the stability of obtaining a high yield (about 8 kg / m7 & sup2) even in bad weather conditions, good external data, excellent taste and the fact that the root crop is not prone to cracking.

Based on the presented description, carrots "Nandrin F1" should not be grown for long-term storage, as the harvest is going to early, and it can not stay out all winter. Although many seed producers indicate that the keeping quality of these roots is high. But, thanks to the same property, "Nandrin F1" can be planted in the northern regions, where a short summer, and many other varieties just do not have time to ripen.

Sandy loam or loamy soil is suitable for sowing seeds. The best place is in the sun. Pre-excavated site should be dug and watered. They can be planted only in the second half of spring, then covered with non-woven material.

Further care for planting will consist in thinning (up to the distance between the bushes 6-8 cm), cleaning of weeds, loosening between rows (2-3 times), watering when the upper layer of the earth dries up and mineral fertilizers are introduced.

If everything is right, then in the beginning of autumn it will be possible to harvest.