Bacterial vaginosis - treatment

Bacterial vaginosis causes a change in the normal microflora of the vaginal mucosa. As a result, the level of lactobacilli, which is extremely beneficial to the body, is significantly reduced. But the number of pathogenic bacteria, on the contrary, significantly increases. Symptom of the disease are abundant, unpleasant odor.

What is dangerous bacterial vaginosis?

Among the reasons provoking the development of the disease, mention such as the presence of an intrauterine device, prolonged use of antibiotics, hormonal disorders and so on. Very often, when examining a smear, the secretions reveal the bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis. Therefore, often, bacterial vaginosis is called gardnerellez.

Sometimes, bacterial vaginosis or gardnerellez is caused by a violation of the intestinal microflora. This type of disease is called a dysbacterial vaginosis.

Bacterial vaginosis is not transmitted sexually. The activity of sexual intercourse has no influence on the disease, just as the frequent change of sexual partners. Very often, the disease is diagnosed in girls who have not even had sexual intercourse.

Characteristic symptoms of the disease are the presence of abundant secretions of gray or white with an unpleasant odor. Sometimes, the discharge has a thick consistency and is colored yellow. Itching occurs in the genital area. The feeling of discomfort is present during sex. Very rarely there is frequent urination with painful sensations. In half the cases, bacterial vaginosis is asymptomatic.

The disease can cause a number of undesirable complications. It is particularly important to get treatment promptly if bacterial vaginosis is detected during pregnancy or has lasted for a long time before conception. Bacterial vaginosis can lead to complicated birth or to the birth of a baby with insufficient body weight. Also, bacterial vaginosis provokes after birth the development of infectious diseases, including cervical cancer. It is possible to proceed against bacteriosis and venereal diseases: gonorrhea, chlamydia, papillomavirus infection.

How to treat bacterial vaginosis?

The determination of the regimen for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis occurs only after a thorough diagnosis aimed at elucidating the cause of the disease and the peculiarities of its course. To eliminate the proliferating pathogenic bacteria and restore normal microflora use local treatment with ointments, suppositories and gels and medical therapy.

Most often, with bacterial vaginosis, metronidase tablets are prescribed that suppress the growth of harmful microorganisms. For the same purposes, use the atibiotic clindamycin in the form of capsules, vaginal cream or suppositories. Metrogyl plus, in addition to suppressing pathogenic bacteria, prevents the occurrence of thrush.

Preparations for the treatment of bacterial Vaginosis, usually, is used according to the following scheme: