Sea-buckthorn oil: useful properties in gynecology

The oil used in gynecology is obtained both from berries of sea-buckthorn (orange) and from its bones (colorless). Oil from berries is more useful and most often use it.

Properties of sea buckthorn oil in gynecology

Its main properties are regenerative, analgesic, antispasmodic, antioxidant, general stimulating, antiseptic, wound-healing and softening effect. The oil contains vitamins K, E, A, B, C, trace elements magnesium, iron, manganese, silicon, as well as palmitic, stearic and linoleic, succinic, malic, salicylic acid, tannins. Thanks to them, the oil stimulates the acceleration of the formation of granulations and epithelization.

Sea buckthorn oil for women's diseases - indications

  1. Sea-buckthorn oil is indicated in pregnancy, as well as for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the vagina or cervix (candidiasis, cervical erosion). Sea-buckthorn oil is indicated to pregnant women as an immunomodulating agent. It helps with exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases and for the prevention of various infections, as an immunostimulating agent. Locally sea-buckthorn oil for pregnancy is prescribed for treatment of trichomonas colpitis, as well as cervical erosion treatment.
  2. Very good reviews received sea buckthorn oil in gynecology for the local treatment of inflammation of the cervix and vagina. When the cervix is ​​eroded, it is cleared of discharge with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. After this, once a day in the vagina a tampon is injected, abundantly moistened with sea buckthorn oil and left there for 20 hours. If the procedure is carried out by a doctor, then in addition to inserting a tampon, it additionally treats the neck of the uterus with sea buckthorn oil to speed up its epithelialization.
  3. Instead of tampons, candles containing sea buckthorn oil can be used in gynecology. They contain an extract of sea buckthorn oil and are used to treat both erosion and colpitis, endocervicitis. The procedure is done overnight, the candle is inserted into the vagina and held in the lying position for 20 minutes, until the candle dissolves. The course needs 12-14 procedures, epithelization will not come immediately, but after a certain time after the course of treatment.
  4. A good bactericidal effect of sea buckthorn oil is manifested not only against fungi, but also staphylococci, streptococci, trichomonads. Simultaneously with the sea-buckthorn oil, douches of medicinal herbs that possess bactericidal properties (chamomile, calendula) are used for treatment.
  5. Also for the treatment of inflammations of the vagina from the sea buckthorn oil is prepared an ointment, which is then used in tampons. To do this, take 3 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil, 1 tablespoon of aloe juice and 7-8 drops of yarrow tincture. The mixture is kept on the fire for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling, stirring, then cooled. With this ointment for 3 weeks 5 times a day, insert tampons into the vagina, leaving there for an hour and a half, before use, the ointment is heated to body temperature.
  6. To treat thrush, sea buckthorn oil is used as a restorative, it is ingested by one teaspoon per day. Locally it is used for itching in the form of tampons or candles for 7 days.
  7. With exacerbation of chronic adnexitis, sea buckthorn oil is used in tampons 3 times a day, leaving in the vagina for 2 hours under the supervision of the attending physician.

Sea-buckthorn oil in gynecology - contraindications

The main contraindication to the use of sea buckthorn oil is allergic reactions to sea buckthorn, both general and local. When used internally, it can cause diarrhea, as well as contraindicated in cholelithiasis , exacerbation of pancreatitis, hepatitis, or cholecystitis.