The Goddess Isis

Isis - the goddess of fertility, water and wind. In ancient Egypt, it was a symbol of femininity and loyalty in relationships. Isis was the wife of Osiris. She helped to teach ordinary women to reap, spin, fabricate, treat many diseases, and so on. When the husband went on a journey, Isis replaced him and was a good ruler. Soon she learned that Osiris had been killed by the god of the Seth desert, and this caused confusion to the goddess. She decided to find her beloved. As a result, she managed to find out that the sarcophagus with Osiris swam along the Nile, and it was carried to the banks of Biblah under a tree that concealed the body in the trunk. The ruler of this city ordered to cut down the tree and use it as a support. Isis arrived in Bibl and deceitfully became the nanny of the royal child. As a result, she told the queen everything and asked to give her the trunk of a tree. The goddess hid her beloved body in the Nile, then Seth found it and cut it into 14 pieces. Isis managed to find all the parts of the body except for the penis. According to the legends, she managed to revive Osiris, using her own healing abilities .

What is known about the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis?

The Egyptians worshiped this goddess, so her images were used to decorate completely different items. Most often, Isis was represented in three positions: sitting, standing or kneeling. Many images differed in detail. For example, on some statues and paintings the head of the goddess was crowned with a solar disk, which is held by two horns. Almost in all the images in a standing position, the head of the goddess Isis was crowned with her symbol - the main hieroglyph of the aset, which means the seat. She is dressed in a tight dress, and in her hands is a significant symbol - ankh. The head also could have a dress in the form of a bird of prey. Its attributes are a musical instrument of a systra or a staff decorated with a flower of papyrus. There are no sacred animals for this goddess. Isis could take the image of a bird, In this case, on her back, the huge wings of a vulture appeared.

Scientists of Egypt believe that the goddess Isis is the highest priestess of magic . Using her magic wand, she healed people and could manifest themselves in the real world. Thanks to the ratchets, the goddess destroyed the negative energy of the lower spirits. Since Isis was able to revive her dead spouse, and she was the conductor of dead souls, the Egyptians considered her ruler of the Underworld. Given this information, often on sarcophagi depicted the wings of this goddess, which symbolized the rebirth. The Egyptian goddess Isis was the guardian of all life on earth. According to myths, when she dropped a tear into the waters of the Nile, he spilled and covered the earth with fertile mud. The soul of the goddess was on the star Sirius.