Jasper stone - magical properties

Jasper is a magical and healing stone, which, from ancient times to this day, distinguishes its magical properties and is used in folk medicine and magic.

The healing gift of this stone is used for various troubles. Especially for women is good red jasper with its magical properties in the fight against all sorts of diseases. Diseases associated with infertility, female inflammation, painful critical days or inflammatory processes with bleeding are healed with the help of red jasper stone. There are strong conspiracies involving red jasper for the recovery of kidneys, stomach, increased appetite . Excellent magical properties of jasper with eye diseases and headaches associated with pressure drops. In everyday life, decorations from jasper reliably protect from the evil eye and bring peace and peace to the house.

The magical properties of jasper of different colors

Green Magic Jasper

The most energetically active stone, green jasper, has the magical properties of scaring off evil spirits. Heals from stuttering, protects a person from hypnosis and conspiracies.

In Thailand, green jasper takes the honorary title of a stone that prolongs life. The statue of the emerald Buddha was born precisely from this breed.

Amulets of the oval form, made of green jasper, actively feed on cosmic pure energy, giving their master a daily charge of new strength, for the accomplishment of good deeds.

Yellow Jasper - Magic Properties

What are the yellow jasper magical properties, the first to learn in ancient Egypt. It's a child of the sun eating his charge. An energetically positive stone, capable of giving longevity, youth, beauty and health. Affects the improvement of the bladder, eliminates and protects from genito-urinary diseases.

Also yellow jasper is able to neutralize the negative energy of gold jewelry. As you know, gold - metal is strong, absorbing and preserving all the negative, which can meet its owner during the day, week ... all life. From time to time, gold is subjected to cleaning, and energy including. The stone of yellow jasper without rest is able to neutralize the negative of the yellow iron without additional manipulation with cleaning the decoration or amulet.

Blue jasper and its magical properties

It is generally accepted that the blue jasper magical properties tend to be more towards clairvoyance and foresight of the cause, situation or outcome of long-distance travel.

In addition to its impeccable attracting beauty, blue jasper brings beauty to the inner, human. Uniting the world, peace and balance, the stone sends bio-waves to the cells of its carrier and gives him a speedy recovery, enlightenment of the mind and thoughts, sharpens the senses: sight, hearing, smell.

The blue jasper was always taken with them on a great voyage by seafarers. After all, a blue peaceful stone helps both on water and on land. Protect yourself from the evil storm in the hard way and attacks of pirates, everyone wanted. Today, a stone can be considered a business talisman, helping in business.

Whichever color you choose, jasper products that fit all the signs of the zodiac without exception, will always help you to strengthen your positive sides and drown out the shortcomings that exist in every living person. The stone can reduce the need to consume alcohol, eliminate cravings for smoking, lime and drowsiness. Vases, caskets and figures of jasper, standing at home, protect the family from empty arguments and soothe gossip.

A good stone jasper, which appeared in your house, will bring with it a lot of happiness and bright days.