Fruit pomelo - good and bad

The pomelo tree remains green all year round, has a spherical crown and reaches a height of 15 meters, it is distinguished by large leaves and white flowers with a slight yellow color.

The mature pomelo fruit has a yellow-green color. It is the largest citrus fruit. Its size can reach up to 30 cm in diameter. Of these, the thickness of the peel is from 2 to 4 cm. The taste of the pulp is sweet and sour with a little bitterness.

Why is pomelo useful?

Pomelo is rich in ascorbic acid , which generally strengthens the body's immunity. Thanks to vitamin C, the fruit copes with viral and colds, it helps to normalize blood pressure and heart function. But this is not all that pomelo is good for the body.

  1. Essential oils in pomelo also improve immunity.
  2. Potassium has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle.
  3. Calcium strengthens the bones and heals the fractures more quickly. Phosphorus in its composition has a beneficial effect on mental abilities.
  4. This fruit lowers the pressure, so it is indicated to people suffering from hypertension.
  5. Reduces the risk of blood clots in the blood vessels.
  6. Restores vitality, saves from depression and cheers up.
  7. Pomelo has an anti-inflammatory and softening effect.
  8. There is evidence that he even resists the spread of cancer cells.
  9. Contains lemonoids, which for a day help to be productive and better concentrate.
  10. The pulp of pomelo perfectly quenches thirst, since it mainly consists of water.
  11. Pomelo is used for swelling, bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis, coughing and poisoning. In China, from pomelo, they make a medicine for gastric disorders.
  12. Despite the great benefits of pomelo, it has very few calories. If there is pomelo at night instead of eating, then for weight loss is a sure and effective step.


Pomelo has a unique aroma. The amount of calories in this exotic fruit is only 38 kcal per 100 grams. Pomelo contains vitamins PP, A, C and some B vitamins. Its composition includes such minerals as: calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and sodium.

The use of pomelo rind

In pomelo is valued not only the flesh. Its peel has a pleasant smell and contains several useful properties. It is in the peel pomelo a large amount of vitamin P, which relieves the body of excess estrogen and resists diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The taste of this peel is bitter. It is dried and added to tea. It is the peel that gives tea an unforgettable taste and aroma.

Benefits and harm of pomelo fruit

The benefits and harm of the fetus can not be judged unequivocally. There are some contraindications that forbid the use of this exotic fruit. Allergies to citrus fruits are one of such contraindications. It is necessary to limit the use of pomelo with stomach ulcers , duodenal ulcers and increased gastric acidity. If these diseases are in the acute stage, then from the use of pomelo should be discarded. Do not overeat pomelo even for people who do not have the above diseases.

From the pomelo you can cook a variety of different dishes, but it is better to use it fresh. If you treat this fruit thermally, the main amount of vitamins will decrease many times or even disappear.