Products for hair growth

Hair will be healthy and shiny provided all the necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as building material, are obtained. There are a number of products for hair growth on the head that will help them to recover.

What foods are good for hair growth?

  1. Meat . Protein is the main building material of hair, without which fragility, loss and lack of shine will become everyday problems. Meat should be present in the daily diet. Only in this case the hair will grow well and quickly.
  2. Yeast . Yeast contained in flour products, rich in vitamins B6, B9, B3 and B10. They are responsible for the synthesis of keratin - the basis for skin and hair. Therefore, it is very important that the yeast regularly enter the body with these or other products.
  3. Butter . It is a useful product for hair growth, which includes vitamins A, D, minerals and carotene. With the complete exclusion of butter from the diet, the hair will be dull and brittle.
  4. Eggs . Thanks to the content of protein, phosphorus , potassium and B vitamins, eggs are a product that stimulates hair growth. In the day you can eat no more than one yolk, otherwise the risk of cholesterol plaques will increase. But the protein is allowed to eat in unlimited quantities.
  5. Oatmeal . Oatmeal normalizes the internal exchange of hair. And because this product must be eaten daily and preferably for breakfast. In oatmeal, you can add nuts, dried apricots or candied fruit.
  6. Cabbage . A hair-growth product. This vegetable is recommended to include in the diet after a perm or hair dyeing. This will help restore their shine and silky.
  7. Dairy and sour-milk products . To hair grew faster, you should not forget about hard cheese, cottage cheese , milk and yogurt. These products are able to provide the hair with the necessary amount of calcium, vitamins B and other useful substances.
  8. Bread . Dark and gray grades of bread also refer to products useful for hair growth. This is due to the high content of fiber and B vitamins, without which the hair will break down and fall out.

The condition of the hair is a reflection of the health of the whole organism as a whole. Therefore, it is very important to compose a nutrition menu correctly, adding products useful for hair.