Megera in mythology and real life

It has long been believed that angry and quarrelsome women are called "megers," but not everyone knows what kind of creature it really is. So called in ancient Greece, one of the goddesses-erinius, but about whether she was so vicious and vindictive, the sources kept a little data. But modern megery is very different from the ancient, and to cope with them really.

Who is a "Megera"?

Megera - this is one of the goddesses of revenge, the most eerie of the three sisters-erinius. In one of the legends it is mentioned that she was the wife of Hercules and was killed by his hand with the children. From the Greek word is translated as "envious". On the origin of the goddess, there are three versions:

The Greeks were sure that the sisters - Megera, Alecto and Tisiphon - are goddesses of vengeance, and punish people for their sins, in Rome they were called furies. It was believed that they live in the underworld of Hades, appearing on Earth to arouse in a person hatred, anger and even insanity. In the myths more clearly manifested the other sisters, confirming that the goddess Megera - the most vindictive, has not survived, but the glory has remained. Therefore, for many centuries the word "meger" means not an ancient goddess, but an angry and angered lady, capable of greatly spoiling the life of others.

Megera in mythology

Who is Megera in mythology? In Greek tales, it is mentioned as the personification of anger, envy and vindictiveness. Choosing the victim, along with her sisters pursued her, leading to insanity. Represented Meger in the form of a horrifying creature with snakes instead of hair and a terrible grin, in her hand the "beauty" held a scourge. On the presence of Erinium allegedly testified to a strong stench, their victims, judging by the legends, became rapists and murderers.

Megera is a legend

It is generally believed that Megera is the goddess of revenge, one of the most terrible sisters, but it is not mentioned anywhere that she was ugly. Ancient sources even describe Erinus as attractive women, with sharp features, repellent - only snakes instead of hair. Sometimes they were credited with wings. It was much later writers and artists of these goddesses portrayed as:

Some confuse Erinius with gorgons. Gorgons are the daughters of the sea god Forkis and his sister Keto: Medusa, Ephriala and Spheno, whom the goddess Athena turned into girls with hair of vipers. The mortal of them was only Medusa, which, according to legend, Perseus killed, the sisters knew how to turn people into stone. Both Megera and the Gorgon Medusa were mortal, possessed of snake hair, but the latter was not the goddess of revenge, it can be called a victim of the jealous daughter of Zeus.

Who is a Megera woman?

Given the nature of the mythological Megera, it is understandable why it is so called harmful by the nature of the ladies. Today, a female shaman is an embodiment:

Because such qualities were inherent in ancient Erynnia. Psychologists say that considering this word as an insult is not worth it, because you can not take offense at the comparison with the deity. But change your behavior and stop depicting the modern version of the goddess of revenge - certainly you need. The modern mugera does not pursue criminals and does not push for bloody wars, but it can tangibly spoil life to itself and others.

How to live with a meager?

How to live with a muguer and should it be done? This question is asked today by many men. Specialists note that such women are very unsettled, they are hard to please, they are constantly looking for reasons for quarrels. In a dispute, they break down into cries and curses, this complicates communication. The best solution is to stay away from such personalities, since it is impossible to change them. And what if the evil meger is a sister or a mother? Psychologists advise:

  1. Never get involved in a dispute, speak out your arguments calmly, one phrase should be repeated several times.
  2. If the scandal only grows, leave the room or even from home, and continue the conversation when the woman is exhausted and a little calmer.