Materials for hair extensions

As a novice master, and a client, you need to know which materials to choose for hair extensions, equipment and, of course, how to use them properly. Therefore, this article will be devoted to a detailed consideration of this issue.

How much hair is needed to build hair?

The amount of material used among professionals is called volume. And to determine how much hair you need to build hair, not using a specific number of strands, but their weight.

For a standard length of 40-50 cm and a head of low or medium density, the volume is set at 100 g of the material to be stacked. This is about 125 strands.

If your hair is short (up to 10 cm), you will need much more artificial strands. The exact volume can be determined only by the master in accordance with the type and density of natural hair.

Increasing the length of more than 50 cm also requires more material. In this case it is necessary about 150 g of extensible hair, which corresponds to 140-150 strands.

In a situation where the client wants very long hair - up to 80 cm - you need to stock up at least 180 g of material (150-180 artificial strands).

Thus, the amount of material for hair extensions is directly proportional to their desired length.

Tools for hair extensions

Depending on which method is chosen to increase the density and length of hair, different equipment is required.

Tongs for hair extension

This tool can be of the following types:

  1. Ultrasonic forceps. Used for hair extensions by ultrasound. The equipment produces an ultrasonic wave, which is converted into thermal energy by contact with a keratin capsule. Also have the name of an ultrasound machine for hair extensions.
  2. Hot tongs. The tool is irreplaceable with the Italian microcapsule build-up. The forceps for 1-2 seconds heat the protein capsule, and then securely binds the native hair to the build-up strands. With the help of this equipment, it is possible to give the molten capsule the desired shape.
  3. Mechanical forceps. Are used to build on metal rings or beads. The principle of their action is similar to the pliers - the fastening parts are strongly compressed, fixing the natural hair and the build-up material. Mechanical forceps are also used to remove strands that are grown in this way.
  4. Special forceps for removing capsules. This equipment is necessary for a proper and sparing disposal of hair extensions after the expiration of their service life.

Pistol for hair extension

Used for English hot method. In this case, the hair is fastened with a special resin, which is heated by a special gun or stove. Due to this the master independently rolls the adhesive capsules from soft resin.

Consumables for hair extensions

For a microcapsule method, of course, a palette of hair is required to build up with keratin at the ends. It is important to choose a high quality material, pay attention to the composition of the capsule.

For the treksovogo method need strands for hair extension, fixed with a thin strip of fabric or woven with natural thread. Among the brands on the market are the most popular European and Slavic.

Methods of hot increase in density and length of hair, especially English, are impossible without special resin or glue for hair extension. To make the right choice, you need to carefully study the composition of the substance, make sure that it has no toxic ingredients. Ideally, the adhesive should be completely natural.