What kind of repeller of rats and mice is better?

Rodents are a scourge of any private house, as well as food industry enterprises. In addition, mice and rats are frequent guests in country houses. They bother people by spoiling our food supplies, gnawing holes in furniture and walls, and are also a source of infection with various viral diseases.

There are many ways to deal with them, starting with mechanical mousetraps and chemical poisons and ending with aggressive methods of deratization.

One of the most modern weapons against rodents is a special device, which is popularly called a repeller. Let's look at the principles of its operation and find out which ultrasound repeller for rats and mice is better.

How to choose an effective repeller for rats and mice?

All scarers work in approximately the same way: they are a generator that emits waves of great volume and frequency. This creates a situation very uncomfortable for small pests, and they are forced to leave the premises without causing any damage. There are also types of devices that, in addition to ultrasonic waves, also emit electromagnetic waves.

The secret is that the rodents at the bottom of the food chain have a very delicate hearing that they need to survive. And the man, trying to protect his house and food reserves, invented a device that affects only small rodents.

Advantages of ultrasonic repeller in the fight against rats and mice are obvious: absolutely without affecting the person, this device is able to bother the annoying rodents from your supplies. In addition, these devices, unlike poisons, are not toxic, because there are no chemicals involved (so the owners can be calm for their pets).

When buying such a device, make sure that it does not emit a sound that can be seen by the human ear (especially if you intend to use it in a living room). Also sometimes cheap models of electronic mouse repeller affect dogs: if you have a pet, refer to choosing a repeller more carefully.

The most popular and, accordingly, effective models are the following: