Monthly during pregnancy - what are they?

The main sign that a woman will soon become a mommy is the lack of menstruation. But not always every pregnancy proceeds without features and approximately in 20% of cases out of 100 the future woman giving birth can notice at herself bloody discharge from the vagina at the very beginning of the baby's bearing. They mislead one and cause them to doubt that the representative of the fair sex is in a position, especially if the test gives a negative result, while others are forced to panic and urgently run to see a doctor. Let's see if there are any menses in pregnancy, and if so, what they are, or this pathological bleeding, which requires urgent treatment.

In what cases do they have a period of pregnancy?

The moments when the future woman in childbirth collides with menstruation during the carrying of the baby is a little, and they are very rare, but still there are:

  1. Short second phase of the menstrual cycle.
  2. In 90% of cases in women, the luteal phase is 14 days. During this time, fertilization and implantation of the fetal egg in the uterine wall occurs. The last event, as a rule, occurs on 7 - 12 days after the meeting of the ovum and sperm. However, if the woman has a very short second phase, then there is a high probability that the implantation will not have time to occur before the menstrual period begins, but will happen during or after it. Therefore, the question of what monthly in the first month of pregnancy in this case, there is an answer - they are normal, both in the number of excretions, and in duration.

  3. Double-horned uterus.
  4. This pathology is very rare and, as a rule, it is known about it long before the beginning of pregnancy planning. In this case, menstruation is repeated throughout the entire period of gestation and it does not differ from usual.

Uterine bleeding during pregnancy

Pathological blood discharge from the genital tract in future parturient women is much more common than menstruation, and they occur for a number of reasons:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy.
  2. On the question of which discharge in the early stages can be taken for a month with an ectopic pregnancy, the doctors answer: meager or, on the contrary, plentiful, not always permanent, brown, very often reminiscent of coffee grounds. They are very often accompanied by a general weakness of the body and pulling pains in the lower abdomen or with one of the sides.

  3. Implantation of the fetal egg.
  4. In this case, future women in labor can see bleeding slightly earlier than the date of the next menstrual bleeding. This is one of the most innocuous situations when no treatment is required. Bleeding in this case is weak, smearing, scarlet, pink or light brown, without clots or mucus. Basically it lasts from a few hours to two days.

  5. Violations of the hormonal background.
  6. Lack of progesterone or an excess of the male hormone - androgen, can lead to a woman encountering bloody discharge from the genital tract during gestation. They can be taken for a month during pregnancy, but the question of what they are in terms of duration and color, there is an unambiguous answer: not abundant, brown, usually beginning in the period of arrival of the next monthly. They can be both in the first trimester and at the beginning of the second, but in any case this condition requires hormonal therapy and doctor's supervision.

  7. Detachment of the placenta.
  8. Very often this is the beginning of a miscarriage. Blood is brightly scarlet, with periodic spasms in the lower abdomen can catch a woman completely unexpectedly. In this case, urgent hospitalization is needed, especially when the bleeding and pain intensifies.

So, the answer to the question of what they are, monthly during pregnancy, is a reasonable answer: the most usual ones, such as were before the appearance of crumbs in your tummy. But it is quite another matter if you are faced with uterine bleeding. In this case, do not think long, but you need to visit a doctor. Perhaps, it is this step that will allow you to save and endure pregnancy before the due date of delivery.