Treatment of mastopathy - drugs

According to modern statistics, every second woman after 40 years suffers some form of mastopathy, and among women of childbearing age this disease is fixed in 30-60%. Against the backdrop of mastopathy, many times more often do cancerous neoplasms occur. In this regard, every woman should understand what this disease is, what kinds of mastopathy there are, what its treatment is, and what drugs should be taken for its prevention.

Mastopathy, also called fibro-cystic disease, is a benign formation in the mammary gland, the main cause of which is the violation of the female hormonal background, or more precisely, a violation of the metabolism of estrogens - female sex hormones.

There are two main types of mastopathy:

Diffuse formations are successfully eliminated conservatively, whereas the nodular form, unfortunately, is mainly treated surgically. Next, we will focus on the treatment of diffuse mastopathy with hormonal and non-hormonal drugs.

Treatment of mastopathy with hormonal drugs

To successfully cure a woman of this disease, before it goes into malignant form, it is very important to get a mammologist in time.

Depending on the hormonal background of the woman, her age, the presence of concomitant diseases, the doctor will choose the treatment of mastopathy with appropriate medications. Women under 35 years of age are often prescribed estrogen-gestagens, for example, Jeanine or Marvelon. Oral contraceptives normalize the level of female sex hormones and, with the right choice, give good results.

With a lack of hormone progesterone, the doctor will appoint a female gestagen - Utrozhestan, Dyufaston and others. One of the best and most popular medicines for the treatment of mastopathy is the Progestogel-Gel, which is used to rub the breasts. The gel contains progesterone, it is convenient to use, it reduces the symptoms of fibrocystic disease, and most importantly, does not have side effects, unlike most of the hormonal drugs used to treat mastopathy.

Also, blood tests can reveal a woman's excess of the hormone prolactin. In this case, inhibitors of its secretion, for example, Parlodel, are prescribed.

Non-hormonal treatment of mastopathy

As non-hormonal therapy for the treatment of mastitis, vitamins, sedatives, various diets and, finally, the treatment of mastopathy with homeopathy are used.

For patients with this pathology, the most important are vitamins A, B, C and E, which calm the nervous system and help the liver, also taking part in the exchange of hormones.

Very often, for treatment of mastopathy, preparations containing iodine - Clamin, Iodine-Active, Iodomarine and others - are prescribed. It helps the thyroid gland to cope with its functions, as well as normalize the hormonal background of the woman. The use of iodine-containing additives helps to reduce pain and resorption of the lesions in the mammary gland.

Treatment of diffuse mastopathy with homeopathy is indicated when the level of the hormone prolactin is exceeded. Such drugs as Remens, Cyclodinone, Mastodinon reduce the production of prolactin and contribute to the balancing of the hormonal background. However, in order to achieve truly meaningful results in the treatment of mastopathy, homeopathic preparations must be taken over courses for a long time.