Can I get pregnant after a drug abortion?

Women, who for various reasons have suffered a medical abortion, are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant afterwards. Immediately need to say that pregnancy after medical abortion is possible. Another question: when is it right to start planning it and should it be done almost immediately, a few weeks after the interruption? Let's try to understand this situation.

Can I get pregnant after a medical abortion and how long?

In most cases, conception may occur already in the next following the menstrual cycle, i.e. just a month later. The thing is that this type of abortion is the most sparing: during its carrying out, surgical instruments are not used and there is no interference with the internal reproductive organs of the woman. It is this fact that explains the short duration of the recovery period. Therefore, the question of women, whether it is possible to become pregnant immediately after medical abortion, doctors answer in the affirmative.

Through what time it is possible to plan the next pregnancy?

As it was said above, after the medical abortion of pregnancy, it is possible to become pregnant when from the moment of operation there will be literally a month. However, doctors do not recommend planning a conception earlier than six months after the abortion.

This is the time it takes to completely restore the body from a previous pregnancy. During this period, the work of the hormonal system of a woman is restored, which has undergone great changes with the onset of gestation, and now returns to the previous regime.

In addition, when pregnancy occurs almost immediately after the interruption of the previous, the probability of pathologies and complications increases, such as: