Rectovaginal fistula

Rectovaginal fistula is the formation of a hole in the lumen between the vagina and rectum.

Causes of fistula formation

The main reason for the formation of recto-vaginal fistula is pathological birth, which, as a rule, have a large anhydrous period, a protracted character, and are accompanied by ruptures of the perineum.

To the formation of the vaginal fistula can also lead and inflammatory processes, which are the result of complications after childbirth due to postpartum trauma. So, if the woman in childbirth had small dimensions of the birth canal, and the fetus was large, the appearance of ruptures is inevitable. The formation of a rectovaginal fistula may be the result of a complication arising from an operation on the pelvic organs.


Rectal-vaginal fistula, depending on the location and size, can have both pronounced and hidden symptoms. The most frequent manifestation is the release of gases, as well as stool from the vagina. Since in the vagina area in this case, there is always an infection, there is an exacerbation of inflammatory diseases, both genital and urinary tract.


Treatment of the rectovaginal fistula is performed exclusively by the surgical method. When fistula develops as a result of injury to the rectal-vaginal septum, it is very important to eliminate fistula during the first 18 hours. At the same time, excision of the edges and suturing of the wound are performed with restoration of the integrity of the septum.

Today, for the treatment of such a disease as rectovaginal fistula, about 30 methods of surgical intervention are used in surgical practice. Such a variety of varieties of operations is due to different anatomical and topographic features of each situation. That is why, before the surgical intervention, it is necessary to accurately establish the topographic features of rectovaginal fistula.