Uterine fibroids - symptoms and signs of menopause

Quite often, women who experience such a physiological period in life, like menopause, note the appearance of bloody discharge, which often accompanies painful sensations in the lower abdomen. In such cases it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the cause of such a violation. In most cases, similar symptoms correspond to uterine myoma, which is not uncommon in menopause. Let's consider this violation in more detail, and try to answer the question about what happens to the myoma of the uterus in menopause, what are its symptoms and signs.

What is myoma and why is it formed?

In itself, this type of neoplasm is a nodule that is formed from the muscular layer of the uterus. As for the size of this coil, it can vary from small nodules to compaction, the mass of which can reach 1 kg.

It should also be noted that it is common to distinguish between single and multiple myomas. In the first case, in the uterine cavity, or directly on the wall of the uterus, there is only a single neoplasm, whereas in the multiple form there are 3 or more.

As for the direct cause of the development of this disease, there is no consensus among doctors on this score. The main hypothesis is the change in hormonal processes, in view of the fact that for the most part, this kind of disease affects women 40-50 years old. It is at this age in many women that the reproductive system is in the climacteric period. At this time, the growth and development of tumor cells stimulate the hormones estrogens, which are usually synthesized in an increased volume at this time.

The appearance of what symptoms in menopause may indicate uterine fibroids?

Diagnosis of such a violation is complicated by the fact that for a fairly long time the myoma does not manifest itself in any way. Only with the appearance of excretions, with the onset of menopause, a woman thinks about the uterine myoma and turns to the doctor.

In addition to pathological bleeding during menopause, with myomas observed such symptoms as:

A similar kind of symptomatology with uterine myoma found during menopause in the regression stage may be absent, which makes it difficult to diagnose the disease in a timely manner.

How is the diagnosis of the disease carried out?

In order to avoid such a disease as uterine myoma, every woman is obliged to attend a woman's consultation at least once a year, for preventive examination. This will reveal the existing disorder at its initial stage and start therapy on time.

In the case when during the examination the gynecologist had suspicions of myoma, he prescribes ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Hysteroscopy can also be used to diagnose a disease such as uterine fibroids.

Speaking about the diagnosis of such a violation, it is worth noting that the fact whether the fibroids coats with menopause or not, can not be taken as a basis for the diagnosis. After all, quite often, especially at the initial stage, bloody discharge may not be observed.

Thus, it is necessary to say that such a violation, as a myoma, can proceed to a certain stage practically asymptomatically. Therefore, preventive examinations (at least once a year, and 2 times in the menopause period) play an important role in the prevention of this disorder.