Which mixture is best for mixed feeding?

When, for various reasons, breastmilk is not enough for a full-fledged nutrition of the child, young mothers are forced to switch to a mixed form of feeding and willy-nilly ask themselves: what is the best mixed formula for mixed feeding?

What mixture should I choose for a newborn with mixed feeding?

The best mixture for mixed feeding is the one that maximizes the composition and properties of human breast milk. All dry formula is divided into:

Which mixture to choose for mixed infant feeding? For babies from 0 to 6 months choose a highly adapted dairy food:

If there is no financial opportunity to buy the above products, you can choose cheaper ones: Baby, Baby, Nestozhen, Nutrilak, Similak, Grandma's bag, Agusha and the like.

How to choose a mixture with mixed feeding?

When choosing a baby milk diet should be guided by the following recommendations:

  1. Take into account the age of the baby. Each manufacturer on the package of the mixture indicates the digital marking and the recommended age of the child.
  2. Pay attention to the preferences of the child. He can flatly refuse from the expensive advertised mix, meanwhile as the domestic "Baby" will go "with a bang."
  3. When buying, look at the composition. The best mixture for mixed feeding contains optimally selected vitamin and mineral composition, nucleotides, polyunsaturated fatty acids, lactose, prebiotics, probiotics.
  4. Always buy the same product.
  5. Do not look for the answer to the question: what is the best mixture for mixed feeding, focusing only on the reviews of more experienced moms. That food that perfectly suits one child, in another can cause allergic reactions, digestive disorders, etc. This fact does not indicate a poor quality of the mixture, it simply confirms the physiological individuality of each baby.

How to change the mixture with mixed feeding?

Any new mixture is a "stress" for the child's body, without the urgent need (no weight gain, allergic reactions), the replacement should not be carried out. But if such a need arose, the following information on how to change the mixture with mixed feeding:

  1. The process of transition to a new food should last several days.
  2. The first day - 1/3 of the old mixture, which the baby usually drinks for one feeding, is replaced with a new one. They do so only once a day.
  3. The second day - in one feeding give 1/3 of the old mixture and 2/3 of the new one.
  4. The third day - one feeding is completely replaced with a new mixture.
  5. Fourth day - two feeds replaced with a new mixture.
  6. And so on, right up to the complete cancellation of the previous milk supply.