How to improve lactation of breast milk?

The problem of a small amount of breast milk during breastfeeding causes many young mothers to get agitated. After all, as a child grows, a small amount of milk may not suffice, which leads to insufficient saturation and development of various pathological conditions.

Ways to improve lactation

We will analyze how to improve and maintain lactation of breast milk, increase its biological value and nutritional value.

  1. The easiest way to improve the production of breast milk is to increase the frequency of feeding. The more often you put the baby to your chest, the more milk is secreted. Since close contact with the child, frequent attachment to the mammary glands and tactile stimulation have a beneficial effect on the secretion of hormones that enhance lactation. If after breastfeeding the breast is not completely emptied, then the remains of milk should be expressed. Thus, the formation of milk in the gland will be stimulated.
  2. It is important to observe sleep and wakefulness. It takes a full sleep for 8-10 hours and walks in the fresh air. Nursing women should avoid stressful situations and various emotional stresses. It is known that negative emotional shocks can stop lactation altogether.
  3. Massage of mammary glands will help both to increase the inflow of breast milk and improve its isolation. During such a massage, the blood flow in the glands considerably improves. The same effect has thermal procedures. For example, breastfeeding lying in a warm bath. It will be useful and contrast shower for the mammary glands. Before going to bed, you can prepare a warm bath for your chest. To do this, it is required to lower the iron in a wide container with warm water and to support for 10 minutes. Then it is necessary to wipe the chest dry and put on linen from natural fabrics.

Power Correction

Now let's look at how to increase lactation of breast milk and make its composition more balanced with food. To do this, you need to adjust your diet so that it includes the following products:

The above products have the property of stimulating the formation of breast milk. Also it is necessary to use at least two liters of liquid. And this includes soups, tea, juices and other drinks. It is important to remember that the calorie intake of food during breastfeeding should be significantly higher than normal. However, do not get involved in confectionery, baking and other products that contain a large amount of carbohydrates. This can lead to a violation of lactation and a decrease in the protein content in milk.

Plants that increase lactation

Another method, how to increase the production of breast milk, is to use beverages prepared using medicinal plants. The following vegetative drinks stimulate lactation:

Also an effective enhancer of breast milk is carrots. You can use its juice or simply grate it and mix it with cream or milk. Such a dessert will not only be useful, but also delicious.

For the normalization of lactation processes, psycho-emotional balance is inherent. Therefore, herbs that improve the function of the nervous system and have a calming effect will be useful. Beneficial effect has melissa, mint.