Cessation of lactation - the ideal time and best ways

Sooner or later, any woman feeding her baby with breast milk, thinks about stopping lactation. This can be both a spontaneous decision, due to various factors, and deliberate. In any case, to complete the feeding should be approached with all responsibility, so as not to harm the child and their own health.

When to stop lactation?

Among the mothers do not stop the debate on the topic "how much to breastfeed". Someone thinks that one year is enough, after all, there is no longer any benefit from milk. Others advocate long-term feeding almost to the school bench. The truth is, as always, somewhere in the middle. If there is no urgent need to curtail the feeding, WHO recommends breastfeeding until the age of two. Before you quickly stop lactation, you need to think about the consequences of such a step - such a sharp intervention in the natural process can adversely affect the hormonal background.

Methods for cessation of lactation

Knowing how to stop breastfeeding with minimal harm to health, you can not worry about the process. Complete breastfeeding at any age can be done in two ways:

With the help of the first method it is possible to wean the baby from the breast as soon as possible (1-3 days). At the same time, one must not forget that such a cessation of lactation at home can have negative consequences for the health of women. After all, the breasts up to this point are regularly emptied by the baby, and a sudden stop of the process can provoke lactostasis or even mastitis. In addition, a woman should be prepared for the fact that without drugs and painful feelings can not do.

It is better if the cessation of lactation is slow, smoothly coming to naught in the natural way. In this case, the baby is weaned from the breast for 2-3 months. In this case, the mammary gland gradually begins to produce less and less milk. In addition, you will not need to use any drugs or folk remedies, as in the case of emergency excommunication.

Preparations for cessation of lactation

To quickly suppress lactation physicians use various drugs. Not all of them affect the body equally quickly, and each has a wide range of side effects and contraindications. Therefore, a woman who decided to take pills stopping lactation should undergo a medical examination in order to identify possible pathologies. In addition, you need to exclude pregnancy, because, as is known, during lactation, it can occur unnoticed for a nursing mother. Termination of any lactation involves the use of drugs based on:

Hormonal drugs based on estrogen and testosterone are considered to be aggressive towards women's health, and cause the strongest hormonal imbalance. For this reason, they are practically not prescribed for the cessation of lactation. These include Sinestrol and testosterone propionate. It is better to pay attention to the means containing in its composition gestagen, suppressing the production of prolactin, responsible for the production of milk.

Bromampaphor for stopping lactation

Gently reduce the amount of milk produced can be using tablets or Bromcomfour powder. This drug belongs to the group of sedatives and does not have a decrease in lactation in the list of indications for use. Nevertheless, this medicine has proven itself in this field. It reduces the activity of a specific area of ​​the brain (pituitary gland) responsible for lactation, thereby reducing the amount of milk produced.

The drug for stopping lactation Bromkamfora begins to act about the fifth day with a double admission. However, do not exceed the dosage to achieve the effect as soon as possible, because it's not harmless tablets. The drug has its side effects, including dizziness, digestive disorders, headaches and even fainting.

Bromocriptine for cessation of lactation

Not knowing how to stop milk lactation, a woman should not self-medicate - she needs to seek an explanation from a district gynecologist. Based on her state of health, the doctor will appoint her the remedy that will best help cope with the suppression of milk. Sometimes the doctor appoints Bromocriptine, which should be used for two weeks twice a day. This means, which influences the production of prolactin, helps to stop milk very well, but one should also remember its negative effects. These include:

Dostineks for cessation of lactation

This medicine can be prescribed to suppress the lactation (immediately after birth), and to stop already mature lactation. The time for impact will be approximately the same. Many women praise pills for stopping lactation of Dostinex , due to the fact that they are already giving a tangible result in a short time (1-3 days). The action of the drug is based on the suppression of the pituitary gland, thus, milk begins to be released less.

Folk remedies for stopping lactation

Those who do not accept intervention in the natural process of reducing the amount of milk, it is recommended to pay attention to natural remedies for stopping lactation. These are herbal remedies that will gently and naturally help a woman complete the feeding process. Herbs can be consumed in the form of infusion, but it is better if they are drops, because the excess fluid is not for a woman now.

Cessation of lactation with sage

There are some medicinal herbs that contain phytohormones, acting like estrogen used in tablets. Before use, you should learn how to take sage to stop lactation. This herb is sold:

  1. In dried form. Sage can be brewed and taken as tea without having to leave the feed, provided that the mother and baby do not have allergies to it.
  2. Like an alcohol tincture. Sage in droplets is convenient because it is not necessary to drink a lot of liquid and will suit a woman when the baby is no longer applied to the chest.
  3. Essential oil of sage to stop lactation. It can be taken both internally and with them compresses on the chest to achieve a quick result.

Mint to stop lactation

Using herbs to stop lactation, do not forget about mint. It is better to use it brewing with sage. Do not put 200 ml of water more than 1 teaspoon, because the effect of grass on the body can become radically opposite and the tide of milk will intensify. At the end of feeding peppermint is used, other varieties for this purpose will not work.

Breast after cessation of lactation

To minimize the possibility of lactostasis after cessation of lactation, the following rules should be adhered to:

  1. Do not drink hot tea, coffee, do not eat soups.
  2. Maximum exclude liquid in the diet (within reason).
  3. For a few days, go on a diet - eat only low-calorie foods.
  4. Do not sunbathe, do not visit the sauna and bath, do not take hot baths.

The less liquid there is in the ration, the less milk will be produced and the discomfort will decrease from the chest raspiraniya. When there is a termination of lactation, the compaction in the chest is not uncommon. They need to be mildly mashed, while expressing a little milk for relief. Bandaging the chest sheets or elastic bandages is strictly prohibited, because it is bad for health. A competent, thoughtful approach to the excommunication of the baby will benefit both sides of the process, especially if it takes place with the participation of a doctor.