How not to live?

The life of modern people is filled with anxiety and stress. Most often, people are concerned and frustrated with problems in the family and at work, wrinkles and extra pounds. If small and large stresses significantly affect your physical and mental health, listen to the advice of psychologists, how not to stand and how to live right.

What should not you worry about?

Some people with age gain wisdom, helping them to live their lives, for which you need to stop worrying about some things. It is not worth living, being upset about what others think. This is a common type of anxiety, lying in wait for a person in almost any situation, so many people live constantly under the yoke of someone else's opinion. Forget about it! Other people either worry about what you think, or they do not care about you.

It is hardly worth trying to live the way others live. Is it worth it to live with an unloved husband just because your girlfriends are married, and are you ashamed of the status of a divorced woman? Other people's lives can also turn out to be "not sugar," you just do not know about it.

Do not live and compare yourself with other people - this path always leads to disappointment. Whatever success you have achieved, no matter how beautiful you are, there will always be a richer and more attractive person. And this fact will poison your existence if you endlessly think about it. Remember that perfection is unattainable and the one to whom you envy can also suffer from various complexes.

Stop thinking and worrying about things that you can not control. Do not waste energy on people and situations that you can not influence. You have to live your life and there is a lot of important in it that you can change. Concentrate on this.

Is it worth it to live without love?

A lot of spouses all over the world live together for a variety of reasons without experiencing love for each other. Among these reasons can be debt and respect, the desire to save the family for the sake of children, and also - codependence . And if about the first reasons there are many different opinions that arise depending on the situation, then codependence is the problem of not one person, it is the problem of the whole family.

Most often codependence is associated with families of alcoholics and drug addicts. A healthy, but co-dependent husband lives for years in a relationship that does not suit him and breaks him as a person, but he can not change anything. Co-dependent families can be without any pathology, but they are always unhealthy relationships. The main sign of a co-dependent person is the desire to sacrifice oneself, to please the spouse, to be indispensable and to control everything.

Since co-dependence can move to children and become their model of behavior, the question of whether to live with an unloved, alcoholic or drug addict is worth noting.

How to live properly?

Listen to yourself and start doing what you really like. You will be much happier if you often allow yourself small weaknesses and great pleasures.

Give up what destroys your health and beauty. Clean water and natural food have a beneficial effect on your body, raising your standard of living. Limit alcohol, sugar, flour products, coffee, but stop completely from cigarettes and fast food.

Expand your horizons, learn foreign languages ​​- this is necessary for career growth, travel abroad. Enter the rule to read 1 book a week. If there is absolutely no time - read in the transport or listen to audiobooks.

Learn to think, analyze and reason. To do this, it is very useful to maintain your blog or diary. And in order to fill it, lead an active life and expand your contacts with the world.

Set goals - without this, you can hardly achieve great heights. Goals should have a clear deadline for implementation, be real and specific.

Change, learn, develop. Only then will life be complete. Do not be afraid, there are no insurmountable difficulties, all obstacles exist only in your head.