Ethical principles of communication

Try to find someone who can live without communication. It is unlikely that you will succeed, even hermits find the opportunity to interact with the outside world. And each conversation is built according to its own rules, which correspond to ethical norms and principles of communication . Curiously, we are not always aware of adherence to these norms, they are so established.

Moral and ethical principles of communication

Some may think that they are completely free from the rules imposed by society, including during communication. But sooner or later it becomes clear that for the successful completion of the conversation, and just for the pleasure of the conversation, some norms still have to be taken into account. And the main ethical principle of communication is the observance of parity, that is, recognition of equality of partners, maintaining a respectful atmosphere during the conversation. However, as already mentioned above, understanding the need to follow this rule does not come immediately, someone acquires this knowledge in the process of education, and someone has to reach everything with his mind. In any case, moral and ethical principles are decisive in human behavior. They are responsible for the manner of speech, attitude to the interlocutor and the need for the individual to perform certain actions.

In the formation of the basic principles of communication, the highest regulatory function is performed by the components of moral health - moral beliefs, habits, qualities, actions and abilities. Therefore, with a high level of culture, a person has the ability to systematically combat negative features of his character , making interaction with other people more enjoyable for both sides. That is, compliance with the general ethical principles of communication allows a person to interact with others to show humanity - empathize, sympathize, show kindness, decency and mercy. This behavior allows you to demonstrate to a person how valuable to him are those or other contacts.

The main ethical principles of communication are:

The advantage of using such norms of communication is not only the improvement of the quality of interaction, but also the possibility of preliminary study of the communication scenario for finding the best moves.