Traditions of Andorra

Each dwarf state has its own unique history, which leaves an indelible imprint on the culture and traditions of the country, and Andorra in this matter is no exception. The principality more than a thousand years could save not only its territory and independence, but also some originality with interesting traditions and customs.

Debts and tribute

The first thing that strikes Andorra is its unusual form of government: the parliamentary principality. Many centuries ago, avoiding discord and the risk of losing land, the Andorrans signed an agreement that the ruler of France and the Spanish Bishop are princes co-rulers. On the one hand, all the protection of Andorra fell on the shoulders of strong neighbors; on the other hand, Andorra traditionally pays tribute to the co-rulers: the French president 960 francs, and the Spanish bishop, in addition to 460 pesetas, also a whole food stock: 12 pieces of cheese, partridges and capons, as well as 6 hams. In 1993, payments by dry rations were abolished, but the very fact of the medieval tribute remained. Where are you still going to meet in this century?

By the way, all debts and tribute in Andorra have been handed over for thousands of years in canvas bags - also an old tradition. Interestingly, there is a special day in the Principality, to which any personal debts (taxes and fees) must be paid. The last day of payment for the city (community) is the herald and loudly proclaims "accounting books are bewitched!". This means that the overdue amount will not be accepted without an impressive fine, which is penalized on a daily basis.

Unusual traditions in Andorra

It is believed that the inhabitants of Andorra are extremely decent and religious. A small state with limited resources does not legally forbid deforestation. Historically, any citizen in his conscience will cut down only as much as he needs, and no more wood. Andorrists believe that they will be overtaken by the Lord's punishment.

And on the other hand, in Andorra, smuggling is not a crime. And moreover - it is not prohibited by law and is even encouraged in some way. Customs only formally checks documents, nobody will search your things. Thus, if you managed to cheat with the Spanish or French customs and take out some surplus goods and products, punish and select this certainly no one will.

Since the appearance of co-rulers, the army of the principality was dissolved. In Andorra, there is no appeal to the army and the army service as such. But in each settlement traditionally the best young people join the national guard, the task of which is to welcome distinguished guests with volleys of rifles.

Approximately from the same times in Andorra, the tradition of conducting annual poetry contests of troubadours took shape. Bright performances take place like many other folk festivals : in ancient costumes, real armor, with knights and corresponding attributes. Every resident from early childhood understands Provençal poetry and honors her.

Severe mountaineers, though very pious and housewives, but proud and hospitable people. But it does not hurt they immediately expel you from the country for defiant behavior and a serious violation of public order, regardless of the size of your status and status. By the way, observing strict Catholic traditions, striptease, pornography and prostitution are prohibited in Andorra. And different kinds of minorities were not seen at all.

The indigenous people are descendants of Catalan peasants and continue to live in mountain valleys, in addition to the official Catalan language, the Castilian dialect is also common. Culturists believe that about one hundred nationalities live in Andorra, peacefully neighbors with each other, so it is not surprising that modern technologies quietly coexist with the traditions of great-grandfathers.