Cocktails for losing weight - recipes

As we know, after drinking a miracle, you can not lose weight, and even if you can, you will lose a lot of health and will not be able to enjoy the result. That's why pills , powders, mixtures, decoctions and everything else that is called effective means for fast weight loss, throw it out and never remember it. We offer you an honest weight loss - it's a workout plus recipes for slimming cocktails.

Why do protein shakes help to lose weight?

Basically, we are talking about prescriptions of protein shakes for weight loss.

When we actively train, we exhaust not only the energy reserve in the body, but also we injure the muscle tissue. Myofibras (muscle fibers) burst and in their place should grow new - stronger and hardier. On this principle, the growth of strength and endurance of muscles is built.

But in order for this process to start, immediately after exhausting muscle training (that is, strength training), you need to throw the body a portion of protein for construction - namely protein drinks. In combination, they are also recipes for fat-burning cocktails for weight loss. After building and promoting muscle growth, we accelerate our metabolism - the more muscles, the more calories the organism spends at rest.

Protein cocktail

For a classic protein drink, you need to mix a glass of milk, 3 large hard-boiled eggs, 2 tablespoons of nuts, dried apricots, raisins, and 1 tsp. honey in a blender. What should happen immediately should be drunk - a protein cocktail is not stored.

Ginger Cocktail

Ginger - perhaps the most famous fat burner. It is not surprising that the recipe for a ginger cocktail for weight loss is so popular. To make it, you need to beat a glass of kefir with ½ tablespoon. cinnamon and ground ginger, as well as a pinch of red pepper. This cocktail should be drunk for breakfast, as well as before bedtime.