How to repel an appetite?

Many people who want to lose weight, think how to repel the appetite. To date, there are several tools and methods by which you can achieve this effect. Specialists do not recommend using various medications, but using folk recipes.

Herbs that beat the appetite

To begin with, try half an hour before a meal to drink mint infusion. This simple tool will help reduce cravings for food, and in addition, the stomach will fill with liquid, therefore, the feeling of hunger will be less.

If this method does not work for some reason, you can brew tea with the root of ginger . It is not only a delicious, but also a useful drink, which also helps to repel the appetite for food. Everyone can do it. For 2-3 teaspoons of tea, add the same amount of finely chopped ginger root. You can drink the drink before and after eating.

No less effective is the infusion of dogrose. It should be taken 2-3 times a day. As soon as the feeling of hunger becomes stronger, you can drink this tea. So you can reduce the craving to eat something high-calorie and "harmful."

Products that beat the appetite

If a person wants to lose weight, he should eat more protein food. Such products are well saturated and a sense of hunger for a long time will not bother. You can eat boiled chicken breast, cottage cheese of low fat content. The protein is absorbed by the body for a long time, it is because of this that hunger does not appear for a long time after dinner or dinner with such dishes on the table.

Be sure to include in your diet sour-milk products. Kefir, fermented milk or milk will also help to quickly saturate. Just choose nonfat products and do not add honey or sugar. Drinking a cup of yogurt will help pacify the appetite and will not give the feeling of hunger to take over you.