Yolks for breakfast for weight loss

The egg is a nutritious product that contains many useful substances that the body needs in order to function normally.

The egg contains:

  1. Potassium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, calcium , magnesium, iodine, copper, chlorine, iron, sulfur, selenium.
  2. Thiamine, pantothenic and folic acid.

Iodine allows the thyroid gland to function normally. The egg also contains carotenoids, which help maintain visual acuity.

Many people lose weight on the egg diet, because with it you can not only lose weight, but also saturate the body with nutrients.

This diet is also popular because it is rich in protein and important amino acids. Protein content in the egg is 6.3 grams (3.6 - protein and 2.7 - yolk), and fat - 5.6 grams. Many fats in the egg yolk are considered malonasyschennym that allows you to use them for breakfast for weight loss.

Why is the right breakfast so important?

Breakfast - a meal that helps ensure that the charge of vigor and energy does not leave during the day. But most people prefer not to eat breakfast at all or to eat the wrong foods. If there is a desire to lose weight, then for breakfast it is recommended to eat two yolks - this is an excellent option for losing weight.

2 yolks for a slimming breakfast

Duration of the diet is two days and, keeping it you can throw one or two pounds.

Menu for two days:

  1. To lose weight for breakfast, you need to eat two boiled yolks and one teaspoon of honey, drink tea or coffee with lemon.
  2. For lunch also two yolks with honey, one hundred grams of hard cheese, coffee or tea with lemon.
  3. For dinner, eat a small plate of broth, yolk with honey, apple, tea with lemon .

Such a menu will make you feel easy, and at the same time there will be a feeling of satiety.