Vegeto-vascular dystonia in children

Today we will talk about such a common disease as the syndrome of vegetative dystonia (SVD), or vegetative-vascular dystonia (a more familiar, but somewhat outdated name). According to statistics, about 80% of people suffer from SVD. Most often, vegetative-vascular dystonia is manifested in children, especially at the age of 7-8 years, and in adolescents. In recent years, doctors have noted the appearance of signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia even in newborns.

What is SVD?

What is the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia? With the word "dystonia" everything is more or less clear: this is a violation of the vascular tone. Everyone, probably, knows that our blood vessels can be in different tone under different external circumstances. Those. depending on whether it's hot or cold for us, whether we are running or lying down, listening to birds singing or being nervous because of problems at work - the tone of the vessels will be different, and accordingly, the blood flow in these vessels will be different. And this in turn affects how the various organs and systems of our body perform their functions.

So, with "vascular dystonia" we sorted it out. And why is it also called vegetative? Because the tonus of blood vessels in our body is "controlled" by the autonomic nervous system. Simply put, it sends a brain-processed signal from the outside world to the vessels of the organs and thus regulates the functions of these organs.

Hence it becomes clear why people suffering from SVD complain sometimes of malaise almost in all parts of the body at once: they may have high or low blood pressure, stomach pain, general weakness, irritability or depression, etc. Indeed, manifestations of SVD can affect any body organs and systems. Mainly, as a rule, the blood and digestive systems suffer, as well as the psyche.

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia

What is dangerous vegeto-vascular dystonia?

Vegeto-vascular dystonia can have consequences in the form of severe chronic diseases, since, it disrupts the normal functioning of virtually all organs and systems of the body. For example, untreated SVD by cardiac type (when a clinical manifestation is a violation of the rhythm of the heart) with age can cause arrhythmia; any form of SVD, if started, can lead to chronic diseases of the respiratory, digestive, urinary and other systems, as well as to mental disorders.

How to cure vegetative-vascular dystonia?

Of course, in order not to be treated, it is necessary to timely prevent vegetative-vascular dystonia. That is, to lead a healthy lifestyle, to intelligently dose the physical load, to avoid fatigue and stress.

Treatment of SVD, if still diagnosed, is assigned as a result of a comprehensive examination of several specialists. In general, children with SVD should be under the constant supervision of a pediatrician, a neurologist, as well as a narrow specialist in accordance with the leading manifestation of the disease (it can be a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, etc.)

As a rule, when choosing methods of treatment, preference is given to non-medicamentous effects. The regime of work and rest is optimized, massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture, etc. are prescribed. Diet with vegeto-vascular dystonia reduces to the exclusion from the diet of acute, smoked, roasted, salty, that is all that complicates the work of the gastrointestinal tract. A good effect is given in vegetative-vascular dystonia rationally selected physical exercises, the emphasis in which is not on strength, but on regularity. Do not neglect the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia and folk remedies.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia - folk remedies

  1. Tea made from spruce needles. Take half a glass of green needles, preferably young, fall asleep in a thermos bottle and pour 700 ml of boiling water. Leave it overnight. In the morning strain and drink the broth instead of water during the day. The course of treatment is 4 months.
  2. Treatment with juniper berries. Every day there are juniper berries, starting with 1 piece and increasing by 1 berry every day, reaching 12. Then continue, reducing by 1 berry a day.

If these methods are not enough, the doctor individually selects a drug course.

If the SVD of a child is timely diagnosed, systematic treatment in 80-90% of cases leads to the disappearance or a significant decrease in the manifestations of this disease.