Propolis - contraindications

Propolis is a product of the life of bees, which is sometimes called a natural antibiotic. The components of propolis may differ, depending on the region where it is harvested, but in general it includes more than 200 different compounds. Among them, waxes, vitamins, resinous acids and alcohols, phenols, tannins, artipillin, cinnamon alcohol, cinnamic acid, essential oils, flavonoids, amino acids, nicotinic and pantothenic acids.

Due to its chemical composition propolis has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound-healing, antifungal, analgesic, antioxidant properties and is widely used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine.

Propolis - useful properties and contraindications

In traditional medicine, preparations with propolis are usually used as an external agent, for rinsing, inhalation, and in some cases - for lubricating the mucosa, for vaginal and rectal administration (in the form of candles). In folk medicine are also common recipes that allow the use of funds with propolis inside.

First of all, propolis is recommended for treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases: bronchitis, angina, rhinitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia and even tuberculosis.

The second most frequently used are candles for the treatment of hemorrhoids, prostatitis, inflammations of the female reproductive system, candidiasis and trichomoniasis.

As an external agent, preparations with propolis are indicated for injuries of the skin, some hard-healing wounds, and also in the form of drops in otitis and conjunctivitis.

Inside propolis (alcohol or water infusion) is used as a preventive agent for colds and gastrointestinal diseases. It is believed that propolis as a natural antiseptic destroys the pathogenic microflora, without affecting the beneficial.

It is also believed that taking such drugs increases the effect of certain antibiotics.

Another clear advantage of propolis is that there is virtually no categorical contraindication to treatment, except for cases of allergy.

Contraindications to the use of propolis

The only case of absolute contraindication for the use of propolis is an allergic reaction to bee products, which is not so rare. That is, if it is known that a person has an allergy to honey , then most likely, and preparations with propolis will be contraindicated to him.

In any case, even if there is no individual intolerance to beekeeping products, a check should be carried out before taking a potential allergen.

With external application, a small area of ​​skin is lubricated and observed for 2-3 hours. If you are supposed to take the drug inside, you first take a quarter of the recommended dose and follow the reaction of the body, leading to a full dose in 2-3 days. To test the reaction of the mucous aqueous solution, the sky is smeared.

Due to the fact that propolis can be an allergen, it is better to refuse to take it or be extremely cautious to those who suffer from asthma, suffer from allergic rhinitis and dermatitis.

Sometimes, contraindications to the use of propolis include some diseases of the internal organs, since its effect has not been accurately studied and the risk may exceed the possible benefits.

For example, with acute liver diseases it is desirable to refrain from taking propolis, but for chronic he, on the contrary, is useful.

Contraindications for the use of propolis tincture, in addition to the above reasons, include still intolerance or medical prohibition on the use of alcohol-containing drugs.

Also, an acute reaction may be caused by taking preparations with propolis inside in amounts exceeding the prescribed levels. In this case, the following can be observed: