Eucalyptus oil - properties and applications

Transparent, slightly yellowish eucalyptus oil is often used in cosmetic prescriptions, and is also useful for certain diseases. Consider what healing properties a popular product has and how it is used for specific problems.

Advantages of using eucalyptus oil

The eucalyptus oil contains more than 40 components. Here are some of them:

However, the main element of the drug can be called cineol. Thanks to this particular component, eucalyptus oil has the following qualities:

Not surprisingly, eucalyptus oil has found wide application in folk medicine.

Eucalyptus oil for inhalations


Preparation and use

Hot water is poured into a container and the essential oil drips there. Covered with a warm towel breathe in deeply the healing steam. You can continue the procedure until the water cools.

However, you can make inhalation much easier. Going to the bath, do not forget to take a bottle of essential oil. It is enough to drop a few drops on a broom or stones.

By the way, in season of catarrhal diseases the oil of lemon eucalyptus is especially useful. Doctors recommend moistening the air in the room. If you add a few drops of the drug to the water, it will acquire disinfecting properties and easily cope with pathogenic microorganisms.

Eucalyptus oil for face


Preparation and use

All components are mixed and the resulting mask with massage light movements are applied to the face. After a quarter of an hour, the mass is washed off. For washing, only cold water is used, since warm stimulates the work of the sebaceous glands. A mask is designed to reduce the fat content of the skin.

Eucalyptus oil for dry skin


Preparation and use

The components are mixed, applied to the skin and left for a quarter of an hour. Wash off the mass with warm water.

Eucalyptus oil for colds


Preparation and use

The ingredients are mixed and the nasal passages are washed three times a day with the resulting solution.

You can use the drug externally. For this, it is enough to apply 2-3 drops a day on a drop of oil on a dry and clean skin near the nostrils.

Eucalyptus oil - contraindications

  1. Do not apply the product to the skin if there are small scratches, cuts, dermatological problems, since the oil in this case will act irritatingly.
  2. It is not recommended to use the drug if there is a tendency to allergies. First, check how your body reacts to an unfamiliar component.
  3. Do not use eucalyptus oil in combination with homeopathic remedies.
  4. It is forbidden to perform oil treatment for children under 2 years, as the drug can provoke bronchospasm.
  5. An obstacle to the healing properties of eucalyptus oil is whooping cough, bronchial asthma and atrophy of the mucous respiratory tract.

Those who regularly use the drug assure that the quality of eucalyptus oil is greatly enhanced if used in combination with the tea tree ethereal and bergamot oil .