How to water a money tree?

Almost in every house there is a money tree or as it is also called a fat girl. Since the plant is unpretentious, there are no special problems in caring for it. It is enough to observe the minimum rules, as for any other plant, and the tree will grow in envy.

How to properly water a money tree?

The main issue that concerns growing a fat woman at home is how often to water a money tree. After all, watering for any plant is the main factor that determines its successful development. Everyone knows that different plants have their own preferences - someone likes dry soil and rare watering, while others require regular moistening without drying the soil.

Since the money tree comes from hot countries, then, like many plants in this family, it accumulates a lot of moisture in the leaves, which means that for a while a fat woman can do without water.

Determine when it is necessary to water the flowerpot with the plant next time quite simply - the soil must be dry to the touch. In winter, the drying of the soil is slower due to a lower air temperature, but in the summer this process accelerates.

In winter the money tree has a kind of dormant period, when it should be placed on a cool window sill and watered only once every three weeks, or even a month. Usually the time when the plant rests, lasts from November to March, after which it is again placed in heat and increases the number of irrigation. The plant, which is cared for in this way, is good at increasing the green mass for a warm period.

In summer, in the hottest time, you should water the money tree once every 7 days, after making sure that the land is dry. If you do not pay attention to the soil condition, then the risk of flooding the root system is very high, which is very sensitive to excess moisture.

A plant that regularly moistens excessively, that is, it does it more often than the land dries out, eventually wilt or lose foliage. When examining the root system, it is found that it has signs of decay. In this case, it is not always possible to save the money tree.

Another interesting question is whether it is necessary to water the money tree after a transplant . This procedure is carried out annually and the question is quite relevant. In the case when rotted rootlets are found during transplantation, they are removed and planted in a dry land. After that, watering is carried out not earlier than a week. But if the plant is healthy, then it is still slightly moistened.

What water to water a money tree?

As with any houseplant, water is preferred for watering a fatty. It is best to store it in an open container so that the chlorine that is there can be eroded, which harms the plant.

The water temperature for watering the money tree should be approximately as indoors or slightly warmer. But in no case should not take the water directly from the tap, because sensitive roots do not tolerate it.

Water should be so that the pot does not flow with a stream of water, that is, very moderately. If it is too much, then the pallet should be drained, rather than leaving water in it, as for most plants.